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Sea monsters … more than a legend?
23 Mar 2011
Tales of unknown creatures make sense in a biblical framework of history.
by Rebecca Driver
Veteran creation biologist Dr Wayne Frair
22 Mar 2011
discusses his experiences as a creationist student in zoology departments of several universities
by Wayne Frair
Rapid stalactite growth in Siberia
21 Mar 2011
Rapid growth does not take millions of years
by David Lewis
Interpreting Genesis
19 Mar 2011
Why is it so important to interpret Genesis as reliable history?
by Carl Wieland, Jonathan Sarfati
Vintage Journal: Genesis 1 and the gap theory
18 Mar 2011
Correct exegesis with close attention to syntax and semantics supports the plain reading of Genesis 1
by Charles V. Taylor
What all atheists have to believe
17 Mar 2011
Have you ever been curious to know what atheists believe? Here are three things that all atheists must adhere to be intellectually satisfied.
by Calvin Smith
The Minnesota Iceman hoax
16 Mar 2011
A phony ‘missing link’ that fooled the scientific establishment for a while.
by Russell Grigg
Fossil ETs on meteorites?
15 Mar 2011
More evidence is needed than just because filaments on a meteorite sort of look like bacteria.
by Shaun Doyle
Expert engineer eschews “evolutionary design”
14 Mar 2011
Interview with Stuart Burgess, leading expert on biomimetics, explaining how human designers are learning from the Master Designer.
by Philip Bell
Timing of events in Noah’s life
12 Mar 2011
When was Shem born? How long did Noah have to build the Ark? Was mankind’s lifespan reduced to 120 years?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
The relationship between the Fall, the Curse, and the Gospel, and its incompatibility with theistic evolution
11 Mar 2011
How the close relationship between the three is incompatible with theistic evolution
by David G. Shackelford
Pulling back from unbelief?
10 Mar 2011
Restoring a key ingredient to the life of the church makes a huge difference.
by David Catchpoole