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Gary Bates receives honorary doctorate
15 Oct 2019
Gary Bates receives honorary doctorate from Whitefield Theological Seminary
by Robert Carter
Creation astronomy from a rocket scientist
18 Jan 2023
Space scientist Dr Henry Richter’s book Spacecraft Earth explores how Earth is designed for life.
by David Coppedge
Is it ok to be a blunt instrument?
12 Oct 2019
A friend of the ministry asks, didn’t Jesus and Paul use nasty language toward their opponents? We give an answer.
by Gary Bates and Lita Cosner
Developmental gene regulatory networks—an insurmountable impediment to evolution
11 Oct 2019
An insurmountable impediment to evolution.
by Jeffrey P. Tomkins and Jerry Bergman
Important book confronts secular gender confusion
10 Oct 2019
In today’s society, it’s important for Christians to be able to defend the biblical teaching about gender and marriage. This book helps.
by List Cosner
Dinosaur eggs point to the Flood
09 Oct 2019
Their survival is hard to explain, but after a little digging, answers start to emerge.
by Mike Oard
The Framework hypothesis, missionary societies and the Gospel
02 Sep 2023
The framework hypothesis is a stratagem for harmonizing Genesis with the atheistic theory of evolution, so it should be shunned by all Christian organizations that depend on Bible-believers for support.
by Russell Grigg
Knock, knock … are you ready?
07 Oct 2019
Be prepared to take advantage of the evangelism opportunities that come right to your door.
by Lita Sanders
Can the Hebrew word, ‘bara’ be translated as re-create?
05 Oct 2019
Can the Hebrew word ‘bara’ be translated as re-create and did God re-create this world based on an previously existing Earth?
by Joel Tay
How long was Noah on the Ark?
04 Oct 2019
Might Noah have measured time on the Ark using a Lunar Year?
by Mark Howard
Evolution of middle ear bones in mammals from jaw bones in reptiles?
03 Oct 2019
Do evolutionists really say that the bones, joints, muscles, nerves and eardrum really turn into the middle ear of mammals? Unheard of!
by Matthew Cserhati
Why don’t we live as long as Methuselah?
02 Oct 2019
Modern science is catching up with what the Bible tells us about people living for hundreds of years.
by Jonathan Sarfati