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UFOs as spiritual phenomena
31 Jul 2021
Is it possible that some UFO sightings might be explained as demonic manifestations?
by Gary Bates
Only one glaciation observed in western Alberta, Canada—the ice-age reinforcement syndrome
30 Jul 2021
Multiple ice ages are mainly an assumption stemming from reinforcement syndrome.
by Michael J. Oard
Is ignorance bliss?
29 Jul 2021
Ignoring the challenge of biblical creation may seem a sound decision if you think it is not scientific. But is it? Would you risk eternity on it?
by Lucien Tuinstra
Alien Treaty
27 Jul 2021
Should we make a treaty with aliens that might have advanced weapons and could destroy us before we know it? Who would sign it; for the people, for the aliens?
by Lucien Tuinstra
26 Jul 2021
Owls are God’s masterpieces of design, with their acute vision, fine hearing, and soundless flight. Owls have always looked the same since their creation on day five of creation week.
by Matthew Cserhati
How can we tell who is right in the origins debate?
24 Jul 2021
Is there a simple way to make such a decision?
by Shaun Doyle
Metamorphic rocks can form at shallow depths
23 Jul 2021
Flood models provide answers to a secularist geological mystery.
by Michael J. Oard
Species were designed to change, part 2
22 Jul 2021
Where do species come from? How much change is allowed? If species change, what separates creation from evolution?
by Robert Carter
Where did the Israelites cross the “Red Sea”?
20 Jul 2021
The location of the Israelites Red Sea crossing has perplexed scholars and intrigued the public for centuries. Multiple places have been suggested, each with a set of strengths and weaknesses.
by Robert Carter
How on Earth??
19 Jul 2021
Earth’s water didn’t come from meteorites
by Clarence Janzen
Help! I’m a teacher and my assignment is to teach evolution.
17 Jul 2021
Advice for teachers who may be required to teach evolution in the classroom.
by Keaton Halley
Do lizards and snakes form separate apobaramins?
16 Jul 2021
Are lizards and snakes a part of the same biblical ‘kind’?
by Matthew Cserhati