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‘That’s nice for you, but it’s not for me’
12 Mar 2024
Is there such a thing as absolute truth?
by Don Batten
Does evolution turn people into Christians?
19 Feb 2013
A charge that CMI causes ‘Christians’ to leave the faith is not substantiated.
by Gary Bates
NASA shock: ET from Earth
18 Feb 2013
NASA’s quest for alien life has hit a very terrestrial snag.
by David Catchpoole
The Nature of peer review
17 Feb 2013
Known creationists blacklisted at major journals.
by Russ Humphreys
How helpful is creation evangelism?
16 Feb 2013
Creation outreach should be an important part of any believer’s ‘apologetics arsenal’.
by Robert Zins
Extinction of the human male
15 Feb 2013
Is the Y chromosome ‘crumbling before our very eyes’?
by David White
The Creator’s Love
14 Feb 2013
Why you love your children and why God loves his.
by Andrew Snowdon
End-times and Early-times
06 Dec 2023
Is the debate about how we should understand Genesis just like disputes about end-times prophecy (eschatology)?
by Don Batten
Creation education in Russia
12 Feb 2013
While secularists seek to stifle the teaching of creation evidences in western schools, some politicians of the former communist-bloc are more open-minded.
by Naomal Wijesinghe
Evolutionists can’t dodge ‘Living Fossils’
11 Feb 2013
Things staying the same pose a problem evolution, which is about fantastic changes. See how evolutionists dodge the evidence.
by Don Batten
Here there be dragons … but no centaurs
10 Feb 2013
Is the creationist dragon/dino link similar to ancient belief in centaurs?
by Carl Wieland
Same data, different interpretations?
09 Feb 2013
Do we interpret data to understand the past, or does the data automatically give us the story?
by Carl Wieland