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Genesis and the Resurrection
22 Jun 2023
Many Christians commemorate the resurrection of Jesus every year, but what has belief in Genesis got to do with belief in the resurrection?
by Joel Tay
Caterpillar wheel
21 Jun 2023
When danger looms, the Pleuruptya caterpillar can transform itself into a wheel, and roll away
by David Catchpoole
Dance of the web-weavers
19 Jun 2023
These awesome spiders are good dancers—and master architects, too.
by Philip Bell
Ooids grew rapidly in the Flood
16 Jun 2023
Ooids in the rock record differ to some extent from those that form today. The Flood can explain why.
by Michael J. Oard
Why is the sky blue at midday, and red at dawn and dusk?
15 Jun 2023
Answering a correspondent who asked for an explanation of the colours of the sky.
by Andrew Sibley
Earth’s atmosphere wonderfully designed for life
12 Jun 2023
How awesome is the world in which we live! The atmosphere is remarkably designed for sustaining life, and one that beautifies creation.
by Andrew Sibley
Did the earth ever wobble twelve degrees?
09 Jun 2023
Can the biblical framework offer a better account for the data?
by D. Russell Humphreys
Does evolution justify unbelief?
08 Jun 2023
Does evolution inspire apostasy and heresy?
by Shaun Doyle
Discovered—monumental inscriptions of King Hezekiah!
05 Jun 2023
Sneak peek for the latest Creation magazine. Newly found inscriptions support the Bible’s account of King Hezekiah.
by Keaton Halley
The multiple ‘Adams’ of Scripture
02 Jun 2023
Why the Bible calls Jesus the last Adam rather than the second Adam.
by Jim Hughes and Shaun Doyle
Is the world perfectly designed?
01 Jun 2023
Is the concept of ‘perfect design’ even a helpful way to think?
by Shaun Doyle
The origin of the Grand Canyon by late-Flood channelized flow
29 May 2023
Carved as the waters of Noah's Flood retreated—and not by the bursting of a later Ice Age dam.
by Michael Oard