Feedback 2011
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‘Christian’ vs evolutionary atrocities
16 Apr 2011
Some facts about evolutionary atrocities, and how to refute skeptics who complain about alleged biblical or Christian ones.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Countering atheistic arguments
26 Mar 2011
Dr Rob Carter gives five concise responses
by Rob Carter
Gap theory revisited
14 Oct 2023
‘Gap theory’ has no exegetical basis in Scripture in both ancient Hebrew and 17th century English.
by Lita Cosner, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Does Genetics Point to a Single Primal Couple?
30 Apr 2011
A reader points out that a Biologos article contradicts what CMI has published. Who is right?
by Rob Carter
Is Isaiah 7:14 exclusively a prophecy of Jesus birth?
20 Dec 2011
Is there a contemporary fulfillment of this passage?
by Lita Cosner, Jonathan Sarfati
CMI mischaracterizes atheist’s ‘deconversion’? And, origins of the word ‘Palestine’
05 Mar 2011
Do we think all atheists ‘deconvert’ from Christianity because they don’t like a ‘judgemental’ God? And, are the origins of the word ‘Palestine’ antisemitic?
by Lita Cosner, Jonathan Sarfati
Genetics and geographical distribution
14 Apr 2011
A correspondent challenges us to explain genetics and geographical distribution in a creationist framework.
by Dr Robert Carter
Evolution exams and fossil fallacies
01 Oct 2011
How to answer questions about evolution: whether for course credit or to clear up misconceptions about fossils
by Shaun Doyle, Jonathan Srafati
‘Useful idiot’—who, me?
23 Jun 2011
One correspondent took umbrage at the term ‘useful idiot’ to describe theistic evolutionists in a CMI article. Is the adage, ‘If the shoe fits, wear it’ justified?
by P Bell and J Sarfati
Understanding the Hebrew Bible: ‘season’ and ‘pi’
19 Nov 2011
This week’s feedback addresses questions of the proper understanding and defence of the Old Testament. CMI’s Dr Jonathan Sarfati responds.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
The Hawaiian hot spot and the Bible
28 May 2011
Catastrophic plate tectonics may provide some clues as to how the Hawaiian islands formed when we start from the Bible.
by Tas Walker, Lita Cosner
Is God ‘simple’?
10 Dec 2011
Does God have parts?
by Shaun Doyle, Tas Walker