Feedback 2011
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A high view of Scripture?
06 Aug 2011
Round two versus a theistic evolutionist who objected to being grouped with the ‘useful idiots’ who help the atheistic cause with their compromise. Objective biblical exegesis trumps postmodern eisegesis.
by Philip Bell, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Do creationists have to resort to secular ideas to explain geology and astronomy?
23 Jul 2011
Do creationists have to resort to secular ideas to explain them?
by Don Batten, Shaun Doyle
Many questions, many answers
15 Jan 2011
Dr Jonathan Sarfati answers questions ranging from ‘caveman’ diets to plant evolution.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Does Creation make the Gospel a laughing stock?
02 Apr 2011
Most of the responses to our correspondence with the compromising chaplain were positive. Here we respond to the only one who disagreed.
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
Simplified sardine arguments and ‘sacking’ heretics
31 Aug 2011
Do either have a place?
by Don Batten, Shaun Doyle
Flood models and flat-earthers
04 Dec 2011
How do we decide between different flood models?
by Dr Tas Walker, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
‘Mainstream science’, theology, and Genesis
16 Jul 2011
The folly of theologians favouring the ‘science of the day’ over biblical foundations.
by Carl Wieland
‘Missing mass’ of the big bang found?
18 Jun 2011
Do recent reports of ‘missing matter’ being found have anything to do with the elusive ‘dark matter’? Plus: how to handle atheopathic pressure on the Internet.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
‘Asexual’ lizards and pioneer plants
03 Dec 2011
Does parthenogenesis in lizards mean that some lizards only had one gender on Noah’s Ark?
by David Catchpoole
Does CMI think women are inferior?
05 Feb 2011
A correspondent claims that CMI’s articles are demeaning to women; we respond.
by Lita Sanders
How would you answer an atheist?
25 Jun 2011
Some Christians think that watering down what the Bible says in Genesis makes it easier to reach unbelievers. Does it really?
by Calvin Smith
Poison-resistant tomcods and the meaning of ‘evolution’
19 May 2011
A skeptic misunderstands what evolution is, and what is required to make it plausible.
by Carl Wieland