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Murphy Thelen

Murphy Thelen

Paul Price

B.S. Media Studies

Murphy was converted to Christ at a young age. His parents often integrated CMI resources such as Creation magazine into his education, which he attributes to helping preserve his trust in God’s Word throughout college.

After completing his Bachelor’s in Media studies, Murphy moved to Shanghai, China to become fluent in Mandarin Chinese and serve in the underground Church. He met his wife there and in 2012 they moved back to the United States.

Murphy joined the CMI-US team in 2013 to help manage some of CMI’s 300+ yearly creation events, but he was quickly absorbed into the video department to help complete CMI’s award winning documentary, Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels. Since then he has filmed and post-produced several of CMI’s DVDs including Fallout! Students explain why they left or remained in church, Light-Years? No Problem! and Creation Restored: The New Heavens and Earth among other projects. He was the primary post-producer for CMI’s theatre-released movie project, Alien Intrusion: the Movie. Murphy now works as a video producer for a company based in Atlanta.

Murphy is married to 爱微 (Alice) and they have two children.


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