
Biblical Creation—Truly, a Theory of Everything (ToE)

Why Christians have a better explanation of the world than secular humanists


NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration

Do we Christians who accept the biblical account of creation know how blessed we are? We have something (actually many things) that no other group in the world have, a theory of everything, something that humanism has long sought. This is not the same as claiming we know everything, but we do have a framework within which everything in this universe; personal, physical and spiritual, fits. Most of us when assembling a jigsaw puzzle begin with the easy or obvious parts, the corners and edges with the straight sides. Once this is done, it just becomes so much easier to fit the other pieces and to spot pieces that have been mixed in from other puzzles. The Bible is like this; it gives us an overall framework of interpretation of the world around us, and allows us to fit all the pieces that come our way into that framework. All the big questions (pieces of the overall puzzle)—Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? Why is the world as it is, socially and physically?—find a comfortable fit within this framework. Even other political, economic and scientific facts fit perfectly into the ‘big picture’ given us by God in the Scriptures.

Of course, most importantly; the works, teachings, beliefs and person of the One we are called on to believe in for salvation, Jesus Christ; make perfect sense once we accept the plain meaning of Genesis. The reason for this cursed world, Christ’s physical incarnation, life, death, resurrection and future restoration of all things only make sense (perfect sense), if Genesis is true history. Genesis is a major part of the biblical theory of everything; the entire outside frame of our puzzle if you like, with Christ at the centre.

The framework makes sense of why the world and universe has the appearance of design; from the clocklike mechanism of our solar system, to the gears, motor and propeller of the bacterial flagellum—because they were made by the Master Designer—‘The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork’ (Psalm 19:1). The reason that all life arises from incredibly complex specifying information in the DNA molecule is that, ‘In the beginning was the Word (logos) … all things were made by Him’ (John 1:1,3). It makes sense of why all social and political systems based on the idea of the perfectibility of mankind (if only … ) are doomed to fail, ‘for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’, (Rom 3:23). The biblical history of the Flood fits wonderfully a world of sedimentary rock, fossils, mountains and canyons. They are phenomena we should expect to find because the Bible is true.

Wikimedia commons/Dschwen

A substantial biblical worldview is the reason why the West attained the level of human opportunity, freedoms, rights, privileges and institutions to which the whole world has aspired over the past couple of hundred years. GK Chesterton said that ‘The great and grave changes in our political civilization all belonged to the early nineteenth century, not to the later. They belonged to the black and white epoch when men believed fixedly in Toryism, in Protestantism, in Calvinism, in Reform, and not unfrequently in Revolution.1 A fact that even many non-Christians like the British Jewish conservative commentator, Melanie Phillips recognise, ‘Far from minorities being offended, they should acknowledge that the institutions and values which make Britain so desirable to live in are rooted in Christianity.’2 How ironic when people recognise the fruits of Christianity, but deny its roots set firmly in Genesis. They have a broken worldview.

Little wonder that as the attack on the foundations of Christian belief intensifies in the West, the wheels are rapidly coming off. Not that these societies were ever perfect or free of evil and hypocrisy. But there was enough of a critical mass of Christian belief at the foundation of many of the great western countries, to enable a quality and value of life for the majority of people, unheard of in human history. In a world deluded by the myth of multi-culturalism (i.e. the politically-correct ‘multiculturalism’ in vogue in the west), the idea that all cultures and beliefs systems are equally valid, such assertions are regarded as out of bounds.3 But this is the truth.

The milestones of Western law like the Magna Carta, Lex Rex and the American Declaration of Independence were overtly Christian in their authorship, ideology and wording and their application by the masses dependent on the degree of Christian permeation of the culture. Most of the greatest schools and universities in the west began as Christian institutions with Christian goals. It is even acknowledged by secular philosophers of science, that modern science itself was born within the context of Christian belief in a rational God and man made in His image with a purpose and ability to seek out His ‘handywork’. How ironic that many of the ‘fathers’ of various fields of science now used to discredit biblical belief, were Christians that accepted the biblical account of creation.4 The West worked because of a pervasive biblical framework amongst the broader populace. This is why democracy cannot just be transplanted into any culture.

John Calvin (1509–1564).

Within this framework the world makes sense on a personal level as well. Even when natural or moral evil, trials ‘common to man’, intrude into our lives, as Christians we need never be caught unawares; our faith need never be demolished. The Bible prepares us for these things firstly by tracing them to the source, Adam and Eve’s rebellion against God when tempted by Satan back in Eden. This knowledge helps us be ‘cast down, but not destroyed’ when trials enter our lives, no matter how heart-breaking.

As well as much pain in the world, there is also much beauty. The Bible explains why the beauty of the beheld—whether flower or face, sonnet or sonata—is so fit for the eye and ear of the beholder. It is because we are made in the image of the Creator, who Himself loves beauty and created the universe primarily for the benefit of Man, the federal head of creation.

Meanwhile physicists who believe in an evolutionary origin, have sought to put together an overarching ‘Theory of Everything’ (ToE), e.g., as described in Steven Weinberg’s (1993) book Dreams of a Final Theory. The goal of such a theory would be to fully explain and link together all known physical phenomena, being able to predict the outcome, at least theoretically, of any physics experiment.5

As scientific naturalism, the rule of the game for science today, only recognises matter and natural law, such a quest is a search for a unifying principle that indeed explains all phenomena. Evolutionists often claim or like to believe that they have a ‘theory of everything’, except when they don’t. They proclaim that evolution accounts for everything from the Big Bang to molecular biologists. Evolutionary explanations are given for all observed physical and behavioural phenomena, even phenomena that are the antithesis or contradictory of each other.6 But when challenged about the un-scientific assumption of a-biogenesis, that in their scheme of things, life must have come from non-life, they deny that this is part of the theory of evolution. They are unable to give evidence of how mutations gave rise to the vast amount of genetic information in all organisms; from the humble beginnings of the so-called ‘simple’ organism from which all life is supposed to have arisen to complex organisms such as men and mice. The supple explanation of evolution, far from explaining everything, is a game of smoke and mirrors, an illusion.

Ernest Normand (1859–1923).
King John of England signs Magna Carta.

And in order to protect their tottering theory from attack, they resort to bullying and ridicule to try to drive defenders of biblical creation from the culture and classrooms of the world. Although dominant, it is an insecure faith today.

Describing his conversion from scepticism to a Christian view of the world, Chesterton wrote— ‘And then followed an experience impossible to describe. It was as if I had been blundering about since my birth with two huge and unmanageable machines, of different shapes and without apparent connection—the world and the Christian tradition. I had found this hole in the world: the fact that one must somehow find a way of loving the world without trusting it; somehow one must love the world without being worldly. I found this projecting feature of Christian theology, like a sort of hard spike, the dogmatic insistence that God was personal, and had made a world separate from Himself. The spike of dogma fitted exactly into the hole in the world—it had evidently been meant to go there—and then the strange thing began to happen. When once these two parts of the two machines had come together, one after another, all the other parts fitted and fell in with an eerie exactitude. I could hear bolt after bolt over all the machinery falling into its place with a kind of click of relief. Having got one part right, all the other parts were repeating that rectitude, as clock after clock strikes noon. Instinct after instinct was answered by doctrine after doctrine. Or, to vary the metaphor, I was like one who had advanced into a hostile country to take one high fortress. And when that fort had fallen the whole country surrendered and turned solid behind me.’7

Christians that take God at His word from the very first verse of the Bible, have a sure ‘theory of everything’. We are blessed indeed. No wonder Jesus urged His disciples to ‘abide’8 in Him. It is the safest place to be.

Published: 14 May 2013


  1. Chesterton, G. K. (2009-06-01). Orthodoxy (Moody Classics) (Kindle Locations 1882–1883). Moody Publishers. Kindle Edition. Return to text.
  2. Don’t let the killjoys ruin this Christmas. Her blog on 24 December 2012. www.melaniephillips.com. Return to text.
  3. See my article on this subject at creation.com/worldview-supremacy. Return to text.
  4. The creationist basis for modern science, creation.com/the-creationist-basis-for-modern-science. Return to text.
  5. Weinberg S., Dreams of a final theory, Random House, New York, 1993. Return to text.
  6. creation.com/darwinian-explanations-are-too-flexible-to-be-useful. Return to text.
  7. Chesterton, G. K. (2009-06-01). Orthodoxy (Moody Classics) (Kindle Locations 1402–1412). Moody Publishers. Kindle Edition. Return to text.
  8. John 15:4–7. Return to text.

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