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A book about human errors that don’t exist
A book about human errors that don’t exist.
by Jerry Bergman
Missing links in gene knowledge
by Don Batten
More evidence for the reality of genetic entropy—update
Did the 1918 Spanish Flu virus really go extinct, as genetic entropy predicted?
by Robert W. Carter
Amino acids produced in hydrothermal vent?
Have chemical evolutionists proven that life could have evolved from non-living chemicals in hydrothermal vents?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Brilliant builder-bees!
Tetragonula carbonaria are stingless bees that build complex spiral brood combs. Scientists have likened these to crystals, but bees are far more complex than crystals.
by Gavin Cox
Species were designed to change, part 3
Not only can species change over time, but they can merge and split as well. This can be described with the ‘braided baramin’ concept.
by Robert Carter
Matti Leisola — bioengineer dumps Darwin, declares design
Matti Leisola, leading bioengineer, demonstrates in his book why he rejected Darwin in favor of design. Engaging, humorous and thoughtful—a must read from a world-class scientist.
by Gavin Cox
Mutant plastic-munching enzyme does not support evolution
New plastic-munching Ideonella sakaiensis bacterium was intelligently engineered, not randomly evolved.
by Ari Takku
A family tree for all humanity?
A unified genealogy of modern and ancient humans incorrectly points to northeast African as the ancestral homeland. The results are entirely based on the evolutionary assumptions behind the model.
by Robert W. Carter
Unique yellow penguin sighted
Evolution in action or loss of information?
by Phil Robinson
Shrews eating peppers
Another example of a natural selection favouring an information-losing mutation, which is the opposite to that required for goo-to-you evolution.
by Jonathan Sarfati
‘Billion-year’ fossil ‘balls’ (part 1)
Balls of cells discovered in ancient rocks pushes back complexity and multi-cellularity to supposedly one billion years ago. Such evidence fits early biblical history far better than evolution.
by Gavin Cox