
How will you respond?


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Some Christians I meet are surprised to learn of the Scripture that tells believers to always be ready “to give an answer”:

But set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess;—1 Peter 3:15

Others, however, take seriously the call to give an answer, but wonder how they might respond to the near-constant attacks on the Christian faith vis-a-vis the origins frontline. (And yes, it is appropriate to use such ‘war’ imagery and language as ‘frontline’ and ‘attacks’, in line with the many exhortations in the Scriptures of a similar vein, e.g. Ephesians 6:11–18, Philippians 2:25, 2 Timothy 2:3.)

Australian correspondent Mattea T. was commendably one of those who realized her upcoming university study would ‘test her mettle’ as a Christian, in relation to knowing how to respond to overtly evolutionary curriculum. She recently wrote to us:

I appreciate all the work and research done by Creation Ministries International. As I have recently started uni doing an Environment/Conservation major I found myself facing the evolutionary teaching and have wondered how I will respond according to my beliefs about Creation and a Creator.

“… have wondered how I will respond …”—and, having found that creation.com helped her with that, Mattea very kindly went on to send us a donation, to further our work. (Mattea, if you’re reading this, thanks once again!Smilies)

We trust that others, too, will benefit from the information freely provided on this website. It’s especially the young Christians that, like Mattea, are finding themselves “facing the evolutionary teaching” dished out at high schools, colleges, and universities. When they go to uni, they really are in ‘enemy territory’!

If readers are wondering what are the sorts of things that ‘education’ is serving up to young people that so potently can erode their faith, the wonderfully-frontline DVD Evolution vs. God, produced by Ray Comfort, provides some great examples. (Readers who missed our recent review of that DVD can read it here.) On that DVD, young people proffered the following ‘evidences’, taught to them by evolution-believing lecturers, as to why they had become, or at any rate now self-identified as, atheists. Note (in brackets, below) that all of these are thoroughly answered in articles on this website:

Being aware that there are answers to atheistic and other challenges to the authority of God’s Word is a good first step towards being able to respond to these challenges yourself. Then it’s all about being a step ahead of the likely objections you’ll face in living out an effective Christian witness in today’s evolution-dominant world. Or, as correspondent Bryton F. recently put it, “a step above”:

I have loved your ministry for years now, and it’s equipped me very well in my Christian walk. Going through high school, it let me be one step above the evolution game that was always taught as fact (Christian school too). Thank you all so much, and know you’re making a difference in people’s lives.

“Making a difference in people’s lives.” Which is just what you too, dear reader, can do once thus equipped to “give an answer” in the crucial topic of origins. Current students could surely benefit by reading the sage advice given in the articles listed under ‘Related articles’ below. And if you’re looking for information on a specific topic, you can search our site by using the search window (top right, which appears on every article page of our website). Also you can see our full suite of Q&A pages here: Creation answers (frequently asked questions).

When the world sees you can respond, what a difference that can make.

Published: 20 August 2013


  1. You could show other people this clip either by forwarding them the URL to this article (creation.com/how-will-you-respond), or, if it was more strategically advantageous to do so, the YouTube link to this particular ‘Creation Clip’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be0RNlxC-qY. Return to text.

Helpful Resources

15 Reasons to Take Genesis as History
by Dr Don Batten, Dr Jonathan D Sarfati
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The Greatest Hoax on Earth?
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Christianity for Skeptics
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