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Michael J. Oard

B.S., M.S. (Atmospheric Science)

Michael’s qualifications in atmospheric science are from the University of Washington. He has worked in atmospheric research and retired from the U.S. National Weather Service after 30 years of service. Michael has worked in creation research in the earth sciences for about 50 years, researching, speaking and writing on the compelling evidence for Noah’s Flood and the Ice Age that followed. He is the author, co-author, or editor of many creation science books on the Ice Age, the Flood, geology, and weather. He also has published hundreds of research articles in the creation science literature. Michael is a fellow of the Creation Research Society, and lives in Montana. His website is Michael.Oards.net, with two free ebooks.

Click here to read Creation magazine article series on landforms

Click here to read an interview with Michael Oard.

Selected articles:

Ice age


Milanković (Milankovitch) Cycle

Lake Missoula Flood

Noah’s Flood

Inundatory stage

Recessive stage

Flood boundary

Rapid geology, challenges to uniformitarianism

Fossil Record and Geological Column


Radiometric dating


Human origins

Book reviews

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