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How did the Solar System form?
01 May 2019
The results of a computer analysis to investigate how the solar system might have formed should cause evolutionists to think again about naturalistic processes.
by John Hartnett
Biased broadcaster promotes a liberal agenda
30 Apr 2019
National broadcaster practiced in deceit—former BBC executive Robin Aitken exposes the mendacity of the UK’s Broadcasting Corporation.
by Philip Bell
Everything is theological
29 Apr 2019
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be energised and strengthened by the powerful content and brilliant graphics
by Lita Sanders
Doubt and the Cambrian explosion
27 Apr 2019
Does lengthening the ‘timeframe’ of the Cambrian explosion make it easier for evolutionists to explain?
by Shaun Doyle
Perspectives on ancient chronology and the Old Testament—part 1
26 Apr 2019
How can we begin correlating the Bible’s chronology with data outside the Bible?
by Murray R. Adamthwaite
Peregocetus pacificus, 43-million-year–old walking whale?
25 Apr 2019
Have they now finally found a whale missing link, Peregocetus pacificus?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Seabed circles ‘Whodunnit?’ solved
24 Apr 2019
by David Catchpoole
Preaching the Gospel in Zambia
23 Apr 2019
The story behind an engineer who left the mining industry and fulfilled a desire to preach.
by Lita Sanders
The resurrection of Jesus and the beginning of creation
22 Apr 2019
What has Easter got to do with the creation of the world and humanity? Well, consider that the resurrected Jesus taught from the authority of Moses’ books (which include Genesis)!
by Martin Rizley
Is the fossil record ‘overwhelming evidence for evolution’?
20 Apr 2019
No, it's evidence for Creation!
by Shaun Doyle
If Christ is not raised
19 Apr 2019
The resurrection is central to the Christian faith.
by Lita Sanders
Interpreting the geology of Central Australia using Noah’s Flood
18 Apr 2019
A geological guide book reveals landmarks, patterns, and puzzles.
by Tas Walker