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The flat-earth myth and creationism
24 Jul 2009
Many antitheists assert that Christians of the past believe in a flat earth, so were the bane of Columbus. But Christian scholars have almost always accepted the earth’s roundness.
by Jerry Bergman
Charmed, I’m sure!
23 Jul 2009
Can a snake actually hear a snake charmer’s flute? The consensus is it doesn’t, while the Bible implies otherwise. Hence, skeptics say, the Bible is wrong. But the skeptics are mistaken.
by Calvin Smith
Did the moon landing bring evolutionary insights?
21 Jul 2009
Evolutionists claim that the Apollo 11 moon landing resulted in new insights about the evolutionary history of life on Earth. But the moon poses serious problems for evolutionary theory.
by Lita Sanders
Liberating animists
20 Jul 2009
A missionary to animists and Buddhists in S.E. Asia’s Mekong River region knows where to begin—at the beginning.
by Daron Himstedt
Cain’s wife explanation ‘gross and disgusting’?
18 Jul 2009
The ‘Who was “Mrs Cain”?’ question is a good example of how Christians should use logical deduction from Scripture rather than emotional reaction.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Romans 5:12–21: Paul’s view of literal Adam
17 Jul 2009
Many passages in Scripture require Adam to be historical. Among them is Romans 5:12–21, where a historical Adam is contrasted with the historical Jesus.
by Lita Sanders
Children see the world as ‘designed’!
16 Jul 2009
Much to Richard Dawkins’ chagrin, even children can see that God and design.
by David Catchpoole
Darwin, Spurgeon and the ‘black dog’
22 Dec 2021
How consistent Darwinism eliminates any ultimate meaning in life.
by Carl Wieland
Reaching out at Roswell
14 Jul 2009
Thousands flock to Roswell to commemorate an alleged alien crash landing, but it is really about exploring and trying to understand their place in the universe.
by Gary Bates
Where did all the water come from?
13 Jul 2009
Skeptics object that there could not have been enough water for Noah’s Flood to cover the Earth’s highest mountains. But the answer is very simple.
by Tas Walker
Stick cartoons promoted by Florida Citizens for Science and NCSE reinforce public misconceptions on science
11 Jul 2009
Evolutionists should stop using creationist straw men and promoting abusive ad hominem arguments.
by Tas Walker
Mostly masterful defence of Christianity; pity it’s slack on creation
10 Jul 2009
D’Souza shows Christianity’s beneficial effects on government, science, philosophy, and morality, and refutes christophobic attacks.
by Lita Sanders