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The largest structure in the observable universe, or cosmic variance?
19 Jun 2014
Some of the most basic assumptions of the big bang should be under challenge from this discovery, but how it has been dealt with is a lesson for all.
by John Hartnett
Creative design in the human embryo
18 Jun 2014
The astonishing way a human develops in a mother’s womb speaks of incredible design rather than of any claimed evolutionary ancestry.
by Gary Parker
Don’t read the Bible!?
17 Jun 2014
Elitism of the worst kind, from a media presenter on religious affairs—a former church minister and lecturer in theology.
by David Catchpoole
Galaxies, Black Holes, and Creation
11 Jan 2023
Ph.D. astrophysicist and expert in black-hole–containing galaxies explains why he believes in biblical creation.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Father’s Day and the Christian connection
15 Jun 2014
Meet the Christian mother behind the tradition that has become known as Father’s Day
by Graham McDonald
Why did Jesus have to die?
14 Jun 2014
If only the sinful die, why did Jesus?
by Lita Sanders
Creation in depth: Australopithecus and Homo habilis
13 Jun 2014
Pre-human ancestors?
by A.W. (Bill) Mehlert
Big Bang blunder bursts the multiverse bubble
12 Jun 2014
Hugh Ross praised latest Big Bang inflationary theory claims but—weeks later—evolutionists admitted they got it wrong.
by Alex Williams
The mysterious giant squid
13 Apr 2022
Despite scoffers over the years, the ‘legends’ and ‘stories’ about these creatures from seafarers are actually based on fact.
by Paula Weston and Carl Wieland
Creation and a cult
10 Jun 2014
Use the creation account in John 1:3 to counter Jehovah’s Witnesses denial of Christ’s deity.
by Marc Ambler
Peat bogs
09 Jun 2014
Are these ancient heaths and mires really 10,000 years old or more?
by Jonathan O’Brien
Keeping debates on topic
08 Jun 2014
Tips on how to keep debates with friends on origins on topic.
by Shaun Doyle