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Stereotyping atheists?
23 Apr 2011
When does generalizing a particular belief become stereotyping?
by Don Batten
Marxism, law and evolution: Marxist law in both theory and practice
22 Apr 2011
Marxism is still influencing contemporary legal thinkers, but what sort of society will law without God lead to?
by Augusto Zimmermann
How scientific is our science?
21 Apr 2011
A recent analysis shows startling, even disturbing, unreliability in even some of the most cherished of scientific ‘facts’.
by Dominic Statham
The sixteen grandsons of Noah
07 Feb 2018
Secular history shows that the survivors of Noah’s Flood were real people, whose names were indelibly carved on much of the ancient world.
by Russell Grigg
What about ghost sightings?
19 Apr 2011
‘Are ghosts real?’ We said no, but what about people who claim to have sighted them?
by Gary Bates
A horse is a horse of course
18 Apr 2011
When the world’s tallest horse meets the world’s smallest horse, what does it tell us?
by David Catchpoole
The lead codices—this year’s ‘Gospel of Judas’?
17 Apr 2011
They’ve been hailed as possibly the earliest Christian documents, but can they live up to the hype?
by Lita Sanders
‘Christian’ vs evolutionary atrocities
16 Apr 2011
Some facts about evolutionary atrocities, and how to refute skeptics who complain about alleged biblical or Christian ones.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Grand undertaking
15 Apr 2011
A review of God’s Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? by John C. Lennox
by Lael Weinberger
Genetics and geographical distribution
14 Apr 2011
A correspondent challenges us to explain genetics and geographical distribution in a creationist framework.
by Dr Robert Carter
A tale of two fleas
13 Apr 2011
A simple parable cuts through the nonsense claims that, regardless of the evidence, it is ‘unscientific by definition’ to conclude in favour of divine creation as an explanation of origins.
by Carl Wieland
Does denying the existence of alien life ‘limit God’?
12 Apr 2011
A correspondent, while acknowledging that we reason biblically, thinks that it limits God to deny the existence of alien life. Is he right? We respond.
by Carl Wieland