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What does min mean?
22 Jun 2012
How closely does the Hebrew word min (‘kind’) match the modern creationist usage of the term ‘baramin’ (‘created kind’)?
by Pete J Williams
Turtles fossilized while mating!
06 Dec 2022
According to paleontologist Walter Joyce, ‘there’s really no reason to enter the fossil record while you are mating.’ He’s right—and wrong.
by David Catchpoole
The ‘evolution’ of flightlessness
03 Jun 2021
If insects evolved the ability to fly, then they also evolved the ability not to fly, as well. No, wait, that can’t be right …
by David Catchpoole and Carl Wieland
Reporting ET news can bring trouble
18 Jun 2012
Aliens are indeed a ‘hot’ media topic. But over-hyping the hype can disappoint—requiring even more ‘spin’.
by David Catchpoole
Could Adam and Eve have given rise to all the ‘races’?
17 Jun 2012
‘Races’, genetics, and the biblical history of the world.
by Robert Carter, Carl Wieland
CMI booklet reflects ‘stubbornness and arrogance’ (?)
16 Jun 2012
An African supporter sent CMI’s 15 Reasons to Take Genesis as History to a Christian friend and got a withering response. He asked CMI to comment on the response …
by Carl Wieland
How did they build the Great Pyramid?
15 Jun 2012
An architect shows how it was feasible, and maybe even how they did it!
by Trevor Harris
Naturalism in the light of reality
14 Jun 2012
There’s more to reality than naturalism can fathom …
by Robert Gurney
ET-rex: dinosaurs on other planets?
12 Jun 2012
An absurd journal paper inadvertently points out some very real problems with evolution.
by Shane Cessna
Mutant (non-ninja) turtle?
30 Mar 2022
Two-headed turtles are obviously defects, but are they caused by DNA mutation?
by Carl Wieland
Subscriber objects to Creation magazine interview
10 Jun 2012
How we pick the people we interview for Creation magazine.
by Lita Sanders
The limitations of physical evidence
09 Jun 2012
Sometimes physical evidence isn’t available for some claims of the Bible—is this a problem?
by Lita Sanders