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Baby fossil snake further frustrates evolution
06 May 2020
A tiny snake “frozen in time” in amber belies its claimed 99 million year age
by Philip Bell
The deep inconsistency of evolutionism, revealed amid the COVID-19 crisis
05 May 2020
The New York Times released an opinion piece recently that perfectly illustrates how evolutionists cannot live consistently with their worldview.
by Paul Price
How big were the dinosaurs, really?
04 May 2020
How big were the dinosaurs on average, and what was the biggest of them all? How did Noah get them on the Ark?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Answering question about 5G and COVID-19
02 May 2020
People have concerns about the new 5G technology. Other mix in fear of the coronavirus to stir the pot of conspiracy theory. The answers are actually easy to find.
by Dr Robert Carter
Deep time in 18th century France—part 2: influence upon geology and evolution in 18th and 19th century Britain
01 May 2020
How did the development of deep time in 18th century France affect Britain?
by Andrew Sibley
Does the Bible support the use of abortifacients?
30 Apr 2020
Properly interpreting two Old Testament passages shows that they do not endorse killing preborn children by means of abortifacients.
by Keaton Halley
The best is yet to come
29 Apr 2020
Interview with computer scientist Dr Ed Knorr, who stands on the Bible from creation to new creation.
by Clarence Janzen
Was Pharaoh Shoshenq—the plunderer of Jerusalem?
28 Apr 2020
Does the evidence line up with the Bible’s account?
by Gary Bates
The coherent creation worldview
27 Apr 2020
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Lita Sanders
Amino acids produced in hydrothermal vent?
25 Apr 2020
Have chemical evolutionists proven that life could have evolved from non-living chemicals in hydrothermal vents?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Deep time in 18th-century France—part 1: a developing belief
24 Apr 2020
How did deep belief in long ages of ‘geological time’ develop in 18th century France?
by Andrew Sibley
Fake spider fossil passes peer review!
23 Apr 2020
A fossil spider fooled experts and was published in a scientific journal. Since fossils are often used as weapons in the war of worldviews, what cautionary lessons can be learned?
by Phil Robinson