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How geckos become unstuck
15 Mar 2023
Geckos stick to surfaces with tiny hairs that attract by van der Waals forces, and come unstuck by controlling angle of the hairs and springy curved toes.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Fossil snakes and the Flood boundary in North America
12 Aug 2016
In trying to determine the boundary between Flood and post-Flood deposits, help may come from an unexpected and slithery source.
by Chad Arment
Isaiah 40:22 and the shape of the earth
11 Aug 2016
The Hebrew word khûg, used in Isaiah 40:22, refers to a spherical earth.
by Dominic Statham
Philosophical arguments for God
13 Jan 2022
Why think God exists? Here are several reasons why.
by Shaun Doyle
The secret of Leviathan’s body-armour?
08 Aug 2016
Engineers want to copy the design principles they’re discovering in nature’s flexible defences.
by David Catchpoole
Answering atheist arguments
06 Aug 2016
We respond to a list of skeptical arguments against the Bible and Christianity.
by Lita Sanders
Plate tectonics—inconsistencies in the model
05 Aug 2016
Just like the subject matter under investigation, opinions shift about in regards to plate tectonics.
by Mark McGuire
Can dinosaurs falsify evolution?
02 Aug 2016
Dinosaurs captivate old and young alike, but why do people think they prove evolution?
by Gary Bates
Causeless capitulation on creation
01 Aug 2016
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Do the miracles of the Bible have natural explanations?
30 Jul 2016
We show how naturalism can’t sufficiently explain the miracles.
by Lita Sanders
Denisovans menace evolution—a new chapter in the human origins debate
29 Jul 2016
When the claims that the Denisovan fossils represent a “new kind” of human are put under scrutiny, a different picture emerges.
by Denis Savanne
Philosophy, ethics and belief in God
28 Jul 2016
Atheists want school children to be taught ethics and philosophy instead of religious education, but should we trust a human reasoning ability allegedly based on dog-eat-dog evolution?
by Philip Bell