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Of missing gaps and magic bullets
28 Apr 2012
Does the Bible teach any sort of a ‘gap’ theory? Is there such a thing as a universal ‘knock down’ argument against evolution?
by Carl Wieland
Anders Breivik—Social Darwinism leads to mass murder
27 Apr 2012
He believed modern Darwinian eugenics could create a utopia. Enjoy this preview from the current Journal of Creation. Subscribe and be delighted by the powerful, stimulating content.
by Jerry Bergman
A conversation arising
26 Apr 2012
The visiting CMI–USA (formerly CMI-Au) speaker did not mention radiometric ‘dating’ in his presentation to an Aussie church. So guess what two members of the congregation discussed afterwards …
by David Catchpoole
Archaeologist confirms creation and the Bible
25 Apr 2012
Interview with archaeologist Dr Clifford Wilson on the historical reliability of the Bible.
by Carl Wieland
An unconvincing Shroud story
24 Apr 2012
This book presents a fascinating but impossible thesis for the origin and significance of the Shroud of Turin.
by Lita Sanders
Replenish the earth
11 Aug 2021
How come Adam and Eve were told to ‘replenish’ the newly created earth with their descendants if it had never been previously filled?
by Carl Wieland
Teaching creation and evolution
22 Apr 2012
It’s about teaching opposing histories of the world, and (where possible) showing how biblical creation is overall the one that best fits reality.
by Carl Wieland
Did fish die before the Fall?
21 Apr 2012
Were fish a category of nephesh chayyah life that did not suffer death before the Fall?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati, Lita Cosner
Post-Flood mutation of the KIT gene and the rise of white coloration patterns
20 Apr 2012
How did white coloration patterns arise in animals and humans post-Flood?
by Jean K. Lightner
More ‘monkey business’ in Tennessee?
19 Apr 2012
From a hot July courtroom in 1925, the battle rages on today in Tennessee.
by Scott Gillis
Pistol packing … Shrimp?!
17 Apr 2012
Technology has just recently enabled us to develop sonic guns but ‘simple’ creatures like pistol shrimp have had them all along.
by Calvin Smith
The great chromosome fiasco
04 Aug 2021
For years, scientists kept ignoring the evidence of their own eyes because of the pressure to ‘conform’.
by Carl Wieland