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David Hume and divine design
08 Apr 2017
18th century skeptic David Hume formulated some of the most famous arguments against design. Do they stand us under scrutiny?
by Shaun Doyle
Developmental system plasticity—a brief initial assessment of extent, design, and purpose within the creation model
07 Apr 2017
Were creatures designed with genomic plasticity to enable them to adapt as they reproduced and filled the earth?
by Jean K. Lightner
Has the dark matter mystery been solved?
06 Apr 2017
A mathematical solution challenges the need for scientists to invoke dark matter to solve problems in astrophysics and cosmology.
by John G Hartnett
Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days
13 Jun 2023
Prof. Cox’s alternatives for the end of the universe are maximum disorder or maximum blowup. The future according to the Bible involves re-creation of the Earth, and universal Judgment by God.
by Russell Grigg
Squid do fly!
03 Apr 2017
The old seafarers’ tales should not have been dismissed. Many species of squid can, and do, fly.
by David Catchpoole
How does God relate to time?
02 Jul 2022
God has no beginning or end, but what does that mean for how He relates to time?
by Shaun Doyle
Can the relative timing of radioisotope dates be applied to biblical geology?
31 Mar 2017
Exploring the possibility that long-age radiometric dating correlates to biblical earth history.
by Michael J. Oard
Interview shows public universities program students with anti-Christian bias
30 Mar 2017
Students on an American college campus believe Christians should be given fewer rights than Muslims!
by Paul Price
Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation
05 Jan 2018
We reveal the scientific problems with Cox’s claims regarding the big bang, the CMB, the horizon problem, the flatness problem, faster-than-light inflation, an eternal universe, and a multiverse.
by Russell Grigg
A giant hoax
27 Mar 2017
Have people really found skeletons of giants?
by Lita Sanders
Was reincarnation removed from the Bible?
25 Mar 2017
A correspondent suggests the Bible’s teaching was changed to remove reincarnation. We respond.
by Lita Sanders
The family of cats—delineation of the feline basic type
24 Mar 2017
The household moggy has a much more complicated family tree than previously thought.
by Barnabas Pendragon and Niko Winkler