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The evolution of the horse
22 Oct 2010
Why iconic horse series is actually argument against evolution
by Mats Molen
Can Christians believe evolution?
21 Oct 2010
As we have often stated, we regard evolution as contrary to Scripture, but Christians can still be saved despite believing in it. A guest author explains some reasons for this, including how Christians are never fully mature when saved.
by Kevin Moritz
Golden numbers
07 Jun 2023
The ratio of 1:1.62 is seen in building design, in flower petals, pine cones and much more. It is widely acknowledged to be very pleasing to the eye. Why?
by Carl Wieland and Russell Grigg
Heresy in Israel!
19 Oct 2010
Chief Israeli education scientist Dr Gavriel Avital dismissed for denying evolution and global warming
by Shaun Doyle
Enceladus: Saturn’s sprightly moon looks young
18 Oct 2010
Enceladus is hot and active instead of cold and dead
by Tas Walker
Can bunny rabbits be saved?
16 Oct 2010
Since there is going to be a Restoration, will animals be saved to be part of the new creation—and if not, will animals be there at all?
by Gary Bates
Eolian erosion exposé
15 Oct 2010
Could some rock arches form post-Flood via wind erosion?
by Emil Silvestru
Extrasolar planet “100% likely” to have life?
14 Oct 2010
Ignorance of biology and slavish devotion to naturalism create wishful thinking that life is certain on Gliese 581g
by Shaun Doyle
Aliens probably do exist says top cosmologist
13 Oct 2010
Famous atheistic cosmologist believes in aliens and random origin of life, but makes blunders in probability.
by Dominic Statham
The ‘problem’ of evil and the supremacy of Scripture
12 Oct 2010
Using a fanciful interpretation of Genesis, ID champion Bill Dembski tries to fit deep time into the Bible while defending the goodness of God. He fails.
by Philip Bell
Angel of hope
11 Oct 2010
Medical doctor ministers to communities ravaged by Darwinism.
by Gary Bates
CMI scientific blunder?
09 Oct 2010
Can methane be broken down into ethane? And yet another pseudogene has been shown to have a function, which further debunks the ‘junk DNA’ claim.
by Jonathan Sarfati, Robert Carter