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Does Genesis give us reasons to compromise?
31 Oct 2020
Does the text of Genesis indicate a short or long timescale?
by Lita Sanders
AI and the secular vision to redefine life itself
30 Oct 2020
Is human life getting an update? Will artificial intelligence evolve us to the next level? Removing our five senses seems more of a downgrade.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Did the Exodus lead to the Hyksos Invasion?
29 Oct 2020
Advocates of revisionist Immanuel Velikovsky and David Down believe that the Hebrew Exodus destroyed Egypt which led to the Hyksos invasion. We look at some flaws with this theory.
by Gary Bates
Where are the fossils of buildings and artifacts from pre-Flood civilizations?
27 Oct 2020
If the geologic strata were deposited by a global Flood, why aren’t there pre-Flood tools and buildings in the fossil record?
by Keaton Halley, Shaun Doyle
Manta ray might inspire new filter design
26 Oct 2020
Manta ray filter with ricochet separation inspires non-clogging biomimetics
by Jonathan Sarfati
Chronology vs. chronogenealogies: Is Ussher to blame?
24 Oct 2020
A feedback question doubts the biblical history in favor of secular Egyptian chronology.
by Gavin Cox
A history of the United Methodist Church’s opposition to creationism and intelligent design
23 Oct 2020
A history of opposition to a literal understanding of Genesis
by Jerry Bergman
Intriguing Ice-Age art
22 Oct 2020
Ice Age cartoons unearthed in Britain’s Channel Islands give insights into the lives of post-Ice Age colonizers.
by Gavin Cox
Does phosphine prove life on Venus?
20 Oct 2020
What should we think about phosphine in Venus’s clouds? Why do all living creatures use phosphate?
by Jonathan Sarfati
How the rocks fit the Flood
19 Oct 2020
Shaun Doyle talks to Tim Clarey about his research career in Flood geology.
by Shaun Doyle
Genetic Diversity on Noah’s Ark
17 Oct 2020
We answer questions about post-Flood human and animal genetics.
by Robert Carter
Darwin’s Point
16 Oct 2020
Is a tiny lump on the rim of some human ears evidence for evolution?
by Jerry Bergman