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19 Aug 2011
Evolutionists claim that biogeography provides strong evidence for evolution. Can the data fit the biblical account of recolonisation following the Genesis Flood?
by Dominic Statham
The importance of correct history and theology
18 Aug 2011
History, science and philosophy without theology lead to atheism
by Shaun Doyle, Don Batten
Do I have to believe in a literal creation to be a Christian?
17 Aug 2011
Disbelief in Genesis is a slippery slope that has caused many to fall.
by Russell Grigg
Is our ‘goodness’ good enough for God?
16 Aug 2011
Genesis is foundational to understanding why the answer is ‘No’.
by Ann Lamont
Did Hitler rewrite the Bible?
15 Aug 2011
In Nazi Germany, the New Testament was rewritten to ‘dejudaize’ it, but who did this and why?
A preview of one of the fascinating articles in the September 2011 issue of Creation magazine.
by Russell Grigg
Why is England burning?
13 Aug 2011
Shocked by the recent rioting throughout England, people have been asking why it is happening. Only the Bible has the answers.
by Dominic Statham
The Christian Nazi myth refuted
12 Aug 2011
A review of: The Swastika against the Cross: The Nazi War on Christianity by Bruce Walker
by Lita Sanders
Norway terrorist: more media mendacity
11 Aug 2011
Terrorist Breivik killed dozens of people in Norway. The media quickly and wrongly labelled this Darwinist a ‘Christian fundamentalist’, in contrast with ‘don’t jump to conclusions’ about Islamic terrorists.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Hummingbird hitch-hikers
10 Aug 2011
Hummingbird mites are tiny creatures that hitch-hike from flower to flower in the nostrils of their bird hosts, but where did they get the intelligence to do this?
by Russell Grigg
Not just another book on ‘Why me, Lord?’
06 Jul 2023
In his foreword to Beyond the Shadows, Gary Bates shows why this book on death and suffering is needed.
by Gary Bates
‘Vampire moth’ discovered
08 Aug 2011
Entomologists say that blood-sucking moths in Russia have evolved from fruit-eating moths. Are they right?
by David Catchpoole
A high view of Scripture?
06 Aug 2011
Round two versus a theistic evolutionist who objected to being grouped with the ‘useful idiots’ who help the atheistic cause with their compromise. Objective biblical exegesis trumps postmodern eisegesis.
by Philip Bell, Dr Jonathan Sarfati