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Using the earth’s magnetic field for navigation
09 Aug 2022
How will animals be able to navigate using the earth’s magnetic field, as it decays away?
by Jim Hughes
Exit God, enter death culture
08 Aug 2022
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Don Batten
The promises and pitfalls of correlating Y chromosome genetics to human history
05 Aug 2022
Sneak peak of a rigorous book review from the latest issue of Journal of Creation: How well can Y chromosome genetics be correlated to human history?
by Robert Carter
Creation, the image of God, and campaigns to ban ‘conversion therapy’
04 Aug 2022
Responding to campaigns to ban so-called ‘conversion therapy’, with evidence from Scripture, science and population statistics.
by Andrew Sibley
Wilberforce really did confront Huxley with his ape comment!
02 Aug 2022
Newspaper reports from the 1860s, recently unearthed, show that Wilberforce really did ask Huxley whether he would prefer an ape/monkey for his grandfather or his grandmother.
by Russell Grigg
The magnetosphere: an invisible force that makes life on Earth possible
01 Aug 2022
Its life-sustaining attributes strongly indicate deliberate design.
by Jonathan Corrado
The deep and undeniable Darwinian roots of Nazi eugenics
29 Jul 2022
A review of Darwinian Eugenics and the Holocaust by Jerry Bergman.
by John Woodmorappe
People are Amazing! Features that could not evolve
28 Jul 2022
Talented human beings dazzle and amaze us, whether musically, mathematically, artistically, athletically, or in many other ways. But such abilities have no obvious survival value, so how did they evolve?
by Philip Bell
Creation is a foundational truth
26 Jul 2022
Irenaeus, a leader in the early Christian Church, indicated that the prophets and apostles viewed the doctrine of creation as foundational.
by Jim Hughes
Communicating with the Creator
25 Jul 2022
Prayer is one of the most neglected privileges we have as believers.
by Lita Sanders
How many kinds of great apes were there?
23 Jul 2022
How many kinds of great apes were there? And is rapid speciation a problem for biblical creation?
by Joel Tay
Many flawed papers in sedimentology
22 Jul 2022
Sedimentologists feel free to reinterpret data without presenting any new research, and fail to question data.
by Michael J. Oard