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Follow the leader(s) …
05 Mar 2015
When our pastors compromise on creation, what should we do?
by Carl Wieland
Created to fly!
04 Mar 2015
For thousands of years man has gazed in awe at the magnificent soaring ability of birds. Today we’ve even made our own winged machines. But it was the Creator’s idea first!
by Robert Doolan
STILL linking and feeding
12 Jul 2022
Reaching more people in the Church is critical to spreading the creation message.
by Carl Wieland
Dr Carl Wieland retires after four decades
02 Mar 2015
Tribute to ministry founder Dr Carl Wieland on the eve of his retirement, as CMI enters new phase.
by Gary Bates, Jonathan Sarfati
‘Oldest snake’ fossils found
01 Mar 2015
New snake fossils, the ‘oldest yet’, have surprised evolutionary paleontologists, forcing a retelling of the story of snake evolution, Kipling-style.
by Philip Bell
Exploring the God Question 3. Mind and Consciousness, Part 1 (The Brain)
28 Feb 2015
God made humans different from the animals because He wanted us to have a personal relationship with Himself.
by Russell Grigg
Creation in-depth: Explaining robust humans
27 Feb 2015
Why were some ancient humans, as revealed by the fossils, so heavily built?
by Peter Line
An eternal big bang universe
26 Feb 2015
Not content with everything creating itself from nothing, the latest development in big bang theory even does away with a beginning.
by John Hartnett
Copernicus, Galileo, and the theory of evolution
25 Feb 2015
Should today’s Church and Christians generally oppose the theory of evolution? We can learn some good lessons from history.
by Russell Grigg
24 Feb 2015
Life in a world of illusion and deceit.
by Helen Doogue Vere
A stampede of swimming dinosaurs
23 Feb 2015
Caused by swimming dinosaurs
by Michael J. Oard
Were stars created in creation week?
22 Feb 2015
The grammar of Genesis 1 shows that stars were made on Day 4 of Creation Week, thus refuting soft gap theories.
by Jonathan Sarfati