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Evolutionist attacks CMI’s magazine
01 Jan 2011
CMI’s response to an evolutionist who accuses Creation magazine of being ‘purposefully inaccurate, both distorting the truth and telling outright lies.’
by Dominic Statham
Creation, preservation and dominion: part 3
31 Dec 2010
How should a Christian approach environmental issues?
by Andrew S Kulikovsky
The importance of foundations
30 Dec 2010
Genesis is indispensible grounding for Christianity and facing today’s secular society.
by Greg Demme
Created to spread the Gospel
29 Dec 2010
Missionary radio depends on God’s provision of the ionosphere
by Russell Grigg
Are ghosts real?
28 Dec 2010
Belief in ghosts is culturally popular, especially with so many TV shows supporting the idea. Some say the Bible also supports the idea. But what’s the truth?
by Gary Bates
The struggle for the soul of Adolf Eichmann
04 Jul 2012
Darwinism inspired Adolf Eichmann’s participation in the Nazi Holocaust, as well as his total rejection of the Gospel.
by Russell Grigg
The Incarnation: Why did God become Man?
23 Dec 2019
Why did the Creator take on human nature? How does this relate to Genesis creation and even before that?
by Jonathan Sarfati
The mystery of ancient man
22 Dec 2010
Colossal stone monuments, advanced civil engineering, lost civilizations … No, it’s not an adventure movie! But our ancient past reveals a true story far more interesting.
by Steve Cardno
Evolutionary Christianity?
21 Dec 2010
An all-star lineup of theistic evolutionists has one message: you can believe in God and evolution. But we ask ‘At what cost?’
by Lita Sanders
A vase of flowers—by special arrangement!
20 Dec 2010
Flower folly: A vase of flowers shows the foolishness of believing nature-is-all-there-is.
by Don Batten
Plenty of time
18 Dec 2010
For oil reserves, for distant starlight to reach the earth, and for God (who created time)
by Jonathan Sarfati and David Catchpoole
Creation, preservation and dominion: part 2
17 Dec 2010
Is technological development inherently bad for the environment?
by Andrew S. Kulikovsky