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Monkeying with probability
15 May 2010
Readers challenge CMI about the likelihood of monkeys being able to type the 23rd Psalm.
by Russell Grigg, Jonathan Sarfati, Don Batten
The design of life: part 3—an introduction to variation-inducing genetic elements
14 May 2010
Introducing variation-inducing genetic elements (VIGEs)
by Peer Terborg
Don’t cut the anchor line!
13 May 2010
Surely no Christian pastor would want to cut adrift his flock from Jesus? Yet some church leaders are indeed at risk of doing just that.
by David Catchpoole
Preaching the Gospel in today’s society
12 May 2010
The Apostle Paul had two different starting points in his preaching, depending on his audience.
by Russell Grigg
Adam, Eve and Noah vs Modern Genetics
11 May 2010
It’s in our genes—that is, evidence that we all come from just two people, and that there was subsequently a dramatic population crash.
by Robert W. Carter
Rooted in God’s truth
10 May 2010
Dr Gina Mohammad’s first biology teacher ruled out her ever becoming a biologist. The teacher was wrong.
by David Catchpoole and Don Batten
Ark ‘hominids’ and rib wrangles
08 May 2010
Could the ancestors of Australopithecus sediba have been on the Ark? Also, what do we do about ‘Adam’s rib’, given online contradictory claims about the capacity of ribs to regenerate?
by Carl Wieland
Evolution of multicellularity: what is required?
07 May 2010
Another insurmountable hurdle for evolution.
by Shaun Doyle
Lost in translation
06 May 2010
Atheistic evolutionists are committed to a materialistic origin of life. As such, there should be no non-material quantity to the universe. But experimental science has shown this is false.
by Calvin Smith
Is Atheism a religion?
04 May 2010
The ‘seven dimensions’ of religion can be found in atheism.
by Daniel Smartt
‘Unique’ two-headed reptile fossil
03 May 2010
A two-headed reptile fossil in Cretaceous rock lived and died after Adam sinned, not before.
by David Catchpoole
Hermaphrodites and homosexuality
01 May 2010
Because a tiny number of people have genuine biological gender identity issues, such as being hermaphrodite, does not mean that homosexual practices should be legitimized.
by Don Batten