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BioLogos misreads Jesus on the age of the earth
25 Jan 2018
Theistic evolutionists at BioLogos make a vain attempt to sidestep Jesus’ teaching on the age of the earth.
by Keaton Halley
The Bible: is it guilty until proven innocent?
23 Jan 2018
Challenge the assumption that we should be skeptical about Scripture!
by Lita Sanders
God’s wisdom in creation
22 Jan 2018
This article takes a look at Proverbs 8 and what it tells us about the role Wisdom played in God’s creation.
by Lita Sanders
Does your brain make your decisions before you do?
20 Jan 2018
Answering a feedback about how to interpret neuroscience experiments.
by Keaton Halley
Confusion over moon origins
19 Jan 2018
Evolutionists continue to wrestle with just how our nearest lunar neighbour was formed … and their explanations are unsatisfactory.
by Michael J. Oard
Using Bible history to interpret the rocks and landscapes
18 Jan 2018
A powerful way to change your view of the world.
by Tas Walker
Nice theologians leading the church away from the truth
16 Jan 2018
They may appear to be genuine shepherds, but many are leading their flocks astray.
by Don Batten
Nebraskan deer mice—evolution’s latest ‘icon’?
30 Jun 2021
A colour mutation that camouflages deer mice against a sandy background is a great example of natural selection.
by David Catchpoole
How can we tell when the Bible condones what it records?
13 Jan 2018
The Bible contains records of people doing terrible things. How can we tell when the Bible gives us negative versus positive examples?
by Lita Sanders
Impacts and Noah’s Flood—how many and other issues
12 Jan 2018
A model of the catastrophic events at the time of Noah’s Flood includes multiple asteroid impacts.
by Wayne Spencer
Why CMI doesn’t answer all your questions
11 Jan 2018
CMI is an information ministry—so why are there questions we don’t answer?
by Lita Sanders
Correcting a cultist with truth and grace
09 Jan 2018
Many Christians are intimidated by false religions, but the most loving thing we can do is point people to the truth.
by Lita Sanders