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Creation in-depth: The Darwinian core of Nazism
25 Jul 2014
A review of Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview by Jerry Bergman.
by John Woodmorappe
How do we love our neighbor?
24 Jul 2014
It is difficult sometimes to get the appropriate balance of ‘grace and truth’ when responding to opponents. Here are some principles that CMI uses.
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner, Keaton Halley
The Sea Horse
23 Jul 2014
Is there an evolutionary advantage to having a mode of swimming like this?
by Jerry Bergman
Christians sidelining the Creator?
22 Jul 2014
‘Christian’ compromises of Genesis actually marginalise the Creator; but relegating God to a ‘backstage role’ is to disregard the text itself, as well as to deny Him his rightful glory.
by Philip Bell & Dominic Statham
The reality of Creation
21 Jul 2014
What’s even worse than claiming that the Bible is ‘wrong’? Saying that it’s ‘not even wrong’! But this is the unfortunate consequence of many compromise views on Genesis history.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Oxidizable carbon ratio dating
20 Jul 2014
What is it? And is it evidence against the Bible’s age of the earth?
by Tas Walker
Extra-solar planets a problem for planet formation theories
19 Jul 2014
The variety of exo-planets being discovered makes planet formation by dust-accretion even more unlikely.
by Alex Williams
Creation in-depth: The Messinian salinity crisis
18 Jul 2014
Conventional wisdom or questionable deduction?
by Michael J. Oard
Flood Fossils
17 Jul 2014
Rapidly formed fossils, and many that still contain carbon-14, defy the conventional wisdom of millions of years.
by Gary Bates
16 Jul 2014
These uniquely designed creatures continue to defy evolutionary explanation …
by Paula Weston
The singularity—a ‘Dark’ beginning
15 Jul 2014
Did the universe create itself from nothing?
by John G. Hartnett
The hyena—a creature we love to hate
14 Jul 2014
Does the hyena deserve its ‘cowardly and villainous’ reputation?
by David Catchpoole