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Reverse ontological argument?
30 Sep 2017
Does the reverse ontological argument show that God can’t exist?
by Shaun Doyle
Dino-bird theory—a flight of fancy
29 Sep 2017
The controversial theory with a long history of competing concepts that is no closer to being resolved than it was in Darwin’s day.
by Jerry Bergman and Philip Snow
“I’m a New Testament Christian”
28 Sep 2017
Why ‘New Testament Christians’ must accept the history of Genesis.
by Gary Bates and Lita Cosner
Dr Johan Kruger passes the torch
26 Sep 2017
For 16 years Dr Johan Kruger, founder of CMI-South Africa laboured tirelessly, defending the historicity of Genesis and demonstrating that Genesis is foundational to the Gospel.
by Robert Zins
Evolutionary art?
25 Sep 2017
It’s claimed to be ‘evolutionary art’, but evolution has no plausible explanation for incredible images on the wings of a remarkable fly.
by Philip Bell
Heaven vs nirvana
23 Sep 2017
Could the Christian concept of ‘Heaven’ (or ‘the New Heavens and Earth’) come from the Buddhist notion of ‘nirvana’?
by Shaun Doyle
Developmental genetics supports creation theory
22 Sep 2017
Evolutionists try to define homology by how it is explained, not by how it is observed.
by Walter ReMine
At the cutting edge of creation evangelism
21 Sep 2017
How to reach others with the Gospel message by starting conversations about creation.
by Warren Nunn
Flaws in dating the earth as ancient
20 Sep 2017
When the numbers don’t add up, it’s time to examine the methods and the philosophy behind them.
by Alexander R. Williams
Darwin’s corrosive idea
19 Sep 2017
A survey by the Discovery Institute draws attention to the incredible scientific illiteracy that underpins the general acceptance of evolution.
by D.R. Statham
Charged-up spiders on the move
18 Sep 2017
Everyone knows that spiders spin webs but did you know they also use their silk to move through the air?
by Warren Nunn
Why believe in objective morals?
16 Sep 2017
How can we believe in objective morals if people disagree on moral questions?
by Shaun Doyle