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The new earth
01 Nov 2022
What do we have to look forward to?
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
‘Race mixing’ and animal hybrids—condemned by God?
19 Apr 2014
Answering a critic who says that it is wrong to create animal hybrids and that God is opposed to interracial marriage.
by Keaton Halley
Creation in-depth: The search for meaning
18 Apr 2014
A review of Surprised by Meaning by Alister McGrath.
by Daniel Davidson
Are there out-of-sequence fossils that are problematic for evolution?
17 Apr 2014
Bill Nye’s claim that there are no out-of-order fossils puts a bullseye on a weak spot for evolution.
by Gary Bates and Lita Cosner
The Mole
16 Apr 2014
Whether you love them or hate them (ugh, those molehills!), moles are testimony to a Creator.
by Paula Weston and Carl Wieland
Activist challenges judges to redefine chimpanzees’ legal status
15 Apr 2014
Although judges haven’t yet caved in to Steven Wise’s appeals for animals to be given human rights, they acknowledge his case is growing stronger.
by Warren Nunn
Teenage mutant ninja people
14 Apr 2014
Why comic book fiction is not biological reality
by Gordon Howard
Craters, radiohalos, and ‘geologic time’
13 Apr 2014
Just because a long-ager claims something doesn’t make it so.
by Tas Walker, Jonathan Sarfati
Whale evolution fraud
12 Apr 2014
Whale evolution depends on three fossil species. Claims about these being transitional to whales have now been shown to be bogus.
by Don Batten
The puzzle of disharmonious associations
11 Apr 2014
Why are so many Ice Age fossils found in strange climates?
by Michael J Oard
Setting the captives free …
10 Apr 2014
How do you attract an atheist (or two!) to church?
by David Catchpoole
Only one way to visit an orchid
09 Apr 2014
From the landing stage, to the exit gate, it’s no accident that the travel corridor for a gnat visiting an orchid is strictly one-way.
by sylvia