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SCOTUS gay marriage rulings: what should we think?
29 Jun 2013
A defeat for two laws limiting gay marriage—but an opportunity for the Gospel
by Lita Sanders
Creation in-depth: Are chimps 98% similar to humans?
28 Jun 2013
A reassessment of the literature.
by Jeffrey Tomkins, Jerry Bergman
27 Jun 2013
A scandal of our contemporary culture that has been perpetuated for generations but about which most people are oblivious or continue to turn a blind eye.
by Peter Crook
Eroding ages
10 Feb 2024
The continents cannot be billions of years old because they would have eroded away long ago; there should be nothing left.
by Tas Walker
Created or evolved?
16 Dec 2021
What’s the evidence for creation, in the debate with evolution? Here’s how to make sense of this vital origins question.
by David Catchpoole
Another web of evolutionary deceit
24 Jun 2013
How do evolutionists know that fossils are millions of years old, when the evidence contradicts that?
by Shane Cessna
Staying the course at university
23 Jun 2013
And: Did Hitler ban Darwin’s Origin of Species?
by Tas Walker, Don Batten
The 3 Rs of Evolution
25 Nov 2020
Evolution’s a cinch, right? Wrong
by David Catchpoole
Creation in-depth: Thermal isostasy
21 Jun 2013
A new look at its potential to advance Flood geology.
by Emil Silvestru
Does ‘deep time’ make sense?
20 Jun 2013
As we look at the foundations of the ‘billions of years’ historical framework, are the foundations rock or sand?
by Shaun Doyle
Eden Zoo
18 Jun 2013
Evolutionary ideas of biological origins are in a state of flux but tend towards atheism. The essence of true biology should be the worship of the Creator.
by Andrew Rowell
The ‘Arabia’: a steamboat buried in a cornfield
17 Jun 2013
How did a big river steamer end up under the ground?
by Jonathan O’Brien