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He is risen!
02 Apr 2021
The resurrection is the glorious news that changed history and gives us hope in uncertain times.
by Lita Sanders
Indoctrinating children
01 Apr 2021
The UK’s National Secular Society does not want religious creationism taught in schools, but they are OK with religious humanism being taught.
by Jim Mason
The obscuring of God’s image will hurt society
30 Mar 2021
Today, as has been true throughout history, people do what is right in their own eyes. Society’s straying from God, and blurring His image in individuals, is harmful all round.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Over-kill, over-chill, or over-ill?
29 Mar 2021
Why a mass extinction at the end of the Ice Age?
by Mike Oard
The Attenborough eye-worm argument against God
27 Mar 2021
The esteemed presenter of memorable nature documentaries has a standard answer when asked about a creator.
by David Catchpoole
Darwinists still trying to refute Behe and still failing
26 Mar 2021
The new science about DNA that challenges evolution
by Jerry Bergman
Doctors with no limits
25 Mar 2021
Should doctors preserve live, or be involved in ending it? DIY abortion pills are by definition not safe, and women have needed emergency surgery, and had mental health problems.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Debating strategies for atheists and Christians
23 Mar 2021
Can atheists and Christians have an honest, profitable debate? If a strategy could be agreed upon, what would happen if both sides engaged and truly adhered to it?
by Lucien Tuinstra
Flapping flight challenge
22 Mar 2021
Revolving copter blades on drones certainly work, but engineers are eager to attain the advantages of flapping flight, especially at the ‘nano’-scale.
by David Catchpoole
God and the beginning of the universe
20 Mar 2021
Could God have entered into time?
by Shaun Doyle
Flood impacts reinforce volcanic cooling to start the Ice Age
19 Mar 2021
Volcanism and meteorite impacts likely kick-started an immediate cooling after the global Flood
by Michael J. Oard
Pop-culture Evolutionism
18 Mar 2021
How do we stop the cycle of misinformation?
by Paul Price