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Dinosaurs in Noah’s vineyard
19 Sep 2016
In a region north of the mountains of Ararat where secular scholars believe vineyards were first planted, there is a church with carved images of dinosaurs.
by David Lewis
Is the Bible a reliable historical record?
17 Sep 2016
We answer some questions about biblical reliability.
by Lita Sanders
An unbalanced perspective
16 Sep 2016
The authors set out to present an even-handed overview but fall well short by failing to properly present the biblical creation position.
by Mark Harwood
‘How great Thou art’ and the disconnect of ‘reality’
15 Sep 2016
While creation displays the power of God, it also bears witness to His judgment.
by Gary Bates
A flat earth, and other nonsense
13 Sep 2016
Why the earth is a globe: refuting some mendacious Internet videos
by Jonathan Sarfati
A garden proclaiming creation
01 Sep 2021
One man uses nature to declare his faith and also shows how Noah’s Flood shaped the world.
by Carl Wieland
Genetics questions answered
10 Sep 2016
Should creationists expect chimpanzees and humans to be genetically similar? And where did Jesus’ Y chromosome come from?
by Robert Carter
Comparative anatomy of the eye in the animal kingdom—with dubbed-in evolution
09 Sep 2016
In setting out to demonstrate the premise of this book, the author actually highlights many problems.
by John Woodmorappe
Refuting absolute geocentrism
06 Sep 2016
Responding to criticisms of why the Earth is not the Center of the Universe: Refuting Absolute Geocentrism
by Robert Carter
Olympic Gold-winning bike design
05 Sep 2016
The key role played by a biblical creationist in optimizing bike components for a team of world-beating track cyclists.
by Philip Bell
Could humans have evolved from an ape-like creature through slow and gradual mutations?
03 Sep 2016
Genetics: Death knell for ape-human evolution?
by Joel Tay
Open questions on the Origin of Life in 2014
02 Sep 2016
For those seeking to explain life’s origins from an evolutionary perspective, the gap between aspirations and evidence remains vast.
by Peter M Murphy