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Creation challenge: leave the Bible out of it
24 Aug 2023
Is secular ‘science’ the final authority for a Christian, or the Bible?
by Jonathan Sarfati
The cataclysmic carving of Carnarvon Gorge
23 Aug 2023
An Australian outback icon reveals exciting evidence of Noah’s Flood
by Tas Walker
The worldview dilemma
22 Aug 2023
As parents we need to have a coherent Biblical worldview that we can share with, and model for our children. To do this we must become equipped.
by Erin Hughes
Zhang Heng’s dragon seismoscope
21 Aug 2023
Sneak peek for the latest Creation magazine: A second century Chinese instrument was able to accurately measure earthquakes from hundreds of miles away incorporating the design of dragons
by Gavin Cox
Clean-up and analysis of small datasets can distort conclusions
18 Aug 2023
Can this lead to distorted conclusions?
by Royal Truman
Goodness granny
16 Aug 2023
A close encounter with a fiery space rock leaves a grandmother contemplating the meaning of life
by Gavin Cox
New evidence of Darwin plagiarism
14 Aug 2023
Fresh evidence that Charles Darwin may have plagiarized the work of Patrick Matthew
by Andrew Sibley
What’s wrong with being wrong: a closer look at evolutionary ethics—part 1
11 Aug 2023
Can naturalism ground real morality?
by Marc Kay
Is progressive ideology subverting biology?
08 Aug 2023
Evolutionary biologist and atheist Jerry Coyne, and a colleague, complain that progressive ideology is undermining biology, but their own position is much to blame.
by Andrew Sibley
How the Bible makes sense of everything
07 Aug 2023
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker
The beauty of the peacock tail and the problems with the theory of sexual selection
05 Aug 2023
Can sexual selection explain its beauty?
by Stuart Burgess
Documenting the obvious
04 Aug 2023
Documenting the links between Darwin influenced Nazi racism.
by Jerry Bergman