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The anti-biblical agenda of early uniformitarians and evolutionists
24 Jun 2016
Exposing the roots of anti-biblical science and how that impacts our society.
by John Woodmorappe
What about Aliens, UFOs, evolution and suffering?
23 Jun 2016
Irrelevant to the Gospel? Today’s regular street evangelists are challenged with serious questions about evolution, suffering, aliens and UFOs.
by Andy Banton
Culture clash
22 Jun 2016
When Europeans encountered Aboriginals on the Australian island of Tasmania, they assumed them to be not far removed from animal ancestors because of their ‘lack’ of technology.
by Carl Wieland
Scripture’s self-authentication
21 Jun 2016
A review of John Piper’s latest book, A Peculiar Glory.
by Lita Sanders
Geomorphology provides multiple evidences for the global flood
23 Apr 2024
Geologists struggle to explain how features such as mountain ranges and plains formed by a slow-and-gradual process and ignore evidences that point to a global flood.
by Michael J. Oard
Evidence and evolutionary bias
18 Jun 2016
Evolutionists promote an ‘evidence-first’ approach, but fail to see that their own philosophical evolutionary bias blinds them to evidence for the God of the Bible.
by Don Batten
Solar-powered sea slugs defy evolution and horizontal gene transfer
17 Jun 2016
The concept that horizontal gene transfer explains shared genes among unrelated taxon is being challenged by a solar-powered sea creature.
by Jeffrey Tomkins
The awesome wonder of Wilpena Pound, Australia
16 Jun 2016
How the cataclysm of Noah’s Flood explains it.
by Tas Walker
Tale behind the Tasmanian tiger
15 Jun 2016
Australia’s Tasmanian ‘tiger’ is a puzzle for evolutionists so they usually classify it as a separate biological family.
by Robert Doolan
The Sin of Certainty - A book review
14 Jun 2016
Peter Enns new book ‘The Sin of Certainty’ reveals just how much biblical authority (all of it!) he has given up by incorporating typical atheistic anti-biblical arguments into his worldview.
by Calvin Smith
Exposing the deception
13 Jun 2016
Fed up with how evolution is promoted as fact, one scientist self-published a book which challenges the worldly view of origins.
by Carl Wieland
Process theism
19 Feb 2022
Is process theology compatible with the Bible?
by Shaun Doyle