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Eve’s offspring, the serpent, and his offspring—Part 1
23 Sep 2014
From Genesis to Revelation, the idea of offspring is important to the story of salvation. Part 1 of this series introduces this theme.
by Lita Sanders
Are birds evolving to dodge traffic?
14 Jul 2021
Researchers say that cliff swallows are ‘evolving’ shorter wings to avoid being killed by fast-moving vehicles.
by David Catchpoole
African invasion of the bodysnatchers
21 Sep 2014
In the heyday of evolutionary racism, materialistic scientists saw dark-skinned people as mere specimens to be studied, and they engaged in the macabre trade of body parts from various countries.
by William Johnson
Did something precede creation week, and why did God introduce suffering?
20 Sep 2014
Answering the questions: Did the universe exist before creation week? And why did God introduce suffering with the Fall?
by Gary Bates
Creation in-depth: Carl von Savigny
19 Sep 2014
The ‘Darwin’ of German legal theory.
by Augusto Zimmermann
Who was Adam?
18 Sep 2014
Just as Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon, our ancestor Adam was notable for many ‘firsts’.
by Andrew Rowell
Evolution’s oyster twist
17 Sep 2014
How do you go from ‘flat’ oysters to coiled shells?
by David catchpoole
Test of Faith DVD
16 Sep 2014
Why Christians should not embrace evolution, despite the urgings of this DVD.
by Russell Grigg
Monuments from Ancient Assyria confirm biblical history
15 Sep 2014
Archaeological evidence from the British Museum
by Peter Masters
World War 1 centenary
14 Sep 2014
New video clip about the evolutionary origins of World War 1, which were the precursors of WW2 and the Nazi Holocaust.
by Jonathan Sarfati
13 Sep 2014
Dreadnoughtus was a gigantic titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur that was wonderfully preserved in sedimentary rock but is not evidence of evolution but of creation and Noah’s Flood.
by Calvin Smith
Creation in-depth: Erosion and the post-Flood boundary
12 Sep 2014
What do erosional features on the earth’s surface suggest for the placement of the post-Flood boundary in the rock record?
by Michael J Oard