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Norway’s live ‘unstable’ Mount Mannen surprises geologists
21 Nov 2017
Geological forces could cause a devastating landslide.
by Ari Takku
20 Nov 2017
How a stunning astronomical event bears witness to the Creator.
by Lita Sanders
Answering questions about the pre-Fall world
18 Nov 2017
What can we know about the pre-Fall world?
by Lita Sanders
Consciousness: a problem for naturalism
17 Nov 2017
Evolution does not explain human language or consciousness, which is a serious problem for naturalism and atheism.
by Daniel Tate
Shatter the echo chamber
16 Nov 2017
The internet, and especially social media, is making people more closed-off to new ideas than ever before!
by Paul Price
The mutant ‘feather-duster’ budgie
28 Sep 2022
A genetic copying mistake hampered this bird’s development and limited its lifespan.
by Andrew Lamb
Emulating the mind of Christ in an age of misinformation
14 Nov 2017
How can Christians weigh claims and navigate an ever growing stream of information?
by Dr Robert Carter, Lita Cosner
The water cycle
13 Nov 2017
‘Modern’ science took thousands of years to confirm details about the earth’s water cycle that the Bible had already recorded.
by Ron Neller
Effective witnessing with creation evangelism
11 Nov 2017
We suggest some ways Christians might use creation resources in practical ways to reach unbelieving friends.
by Lita Sanders
Argentina egg site supports BEDS model
10 Nov 2017
Unscrambling the clues at a fossil site in Argentina which contains thousands of yet-to-be-hatched dinosaurs that have been quickly buried.
by Michael J. Oard
Faith through trials
09 Nov 2017
How should Christians think about tragedies like the Texas church shooting?
by Erin Hughes
Kingdom of the plants: defying evolution
08 Nov 2017
The supposed sequence of plant evolution contradicts the burial order in the fossil record.
by Alexander Williams