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Rock layers and caves
30 Jul 2011
Are creationists mistaken about how they form, and how long they take to form?
by Emil Silvestru, Tas Walker
Vintage Journal: Inheritance of biological information: part 3
29 Jul 2011
How is the information in cells controlled and transferred?
by Alex Williams
Backpackers, Dinosaurs and the Great Commission
28 Jul 2011
Creation evangelism opens doors to the Gospel.
by Don Hardgrave
The long story of long ages
27 Jul 2011
The Genesis account of recent creation is in direct opposition to pagan long-age superstitions.
by David Green
How does Göbekli Tepe fit with biblical history?
26 Jul 2011
How does this supposedly 12,000-year-old archaeological find fit with biblical history?
by Lita Sanders
Human evolution: oh so clear?
25 Jul 2011
The existence of radically different evolutionary scenarios of human origins shows that human evolution is no ‘fact’ but an exercise in storytelling.
by Don Batten
Do creationists have to resort to secular ideas to explain geology and astronomy?
23 Jul 2011
Do creationists have to resort to secular ideas to explain them?
by Don Batten, Shaun Doyle
Vintage Journal: Inheritance of biological information: part 2
22 Jul 2011
How Werner Gitt’s five-dimensional theory of information affects the ‘information challenge’ creationists often use against evolution.
by Alex Williams
Hawking on Heaven
21 Jul 2011
Why should an atheistic physicist be regarded as an expert on theology?
by Shane Cessna
Exploding stars point to a young universe
20 Jul 2011
Missing supernova remnants refute millions of years
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Namibian genocide—a precursor of the Holocaust
19 Jul 2011
A Review of The Kaiser’s Holocaust: Germany’s Forgotten Genocide and the Colonial Roots of Nazism by David Olusoga and Casper W. Erichsen
by Marc Ambler
The Resurrection and Genesis
09 Apr 2012
Jesus’ resurrection was a historical event, and it depends on the historical reality of the events of Genesis 1.
by Lita Sanders