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A look at some figures
01 Aug 2012
The very first article in Creation magazine showed the impossibility of a naturalistic origin of life. Nothing has changed since then.
by Carl Wieland
Supposed ‘icon of evolution’, Archaeopteryx, was “dressed for flight” in modern, probably black, feathers
27 May 2021
Extract the exciting new fact about Archaeopteryx from the ‘paleobabble’ and evolutionary hype—and the conclusion is obvious.
by David Catchpoole
Natural rafts carried animals around the globe
30 Jul 2012
How they carried animals around the globe.
by Dominic Statham
Hawkesbury Sandstone deposited from a wall of water?
29 Jul 2012
Did CMI put words into the mouth of a geologist that he never said?
by Tas Walker
Science, history, and the Bible
28 Jul 2012
Where do evolution and the Bible fit into how we investigate science and history?
by Shaun Doyle
The workings of nature combined with a sprinkling of evolutionary storytelling
27 Jul 2012
A review of Darwin’s Island by Steve Jones.
by John Woodmorappe
Cape Peninsula sandstones, South Africa, deposited during Noah’s Flood
26 Jul 2012
Deposited during Noah’s Flood.
by Tas Walker
‘Feathered’ dinos: no feathers after all!
24 Jul 2012
Detailed analysis of Sinosauropteryx and decaying animals provides evidence for rapid burial, consistent with a global Flood. Also, claimed protofeathers were really support fibres for a single structure, like a crest.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Darwin, slavery, and abolition
23 Jul 2012
Did Darwin’s abhorrence of slavery have anything to do with his theory of evolution?
by Russell Grigg
Stephen Hawking: Is there meaning to life?
22 Jul 2012
Stephen Hawking takes on God as to the meaning of life. God takes on Stephen Hawking.
by Russell Grigg
The Prometheus movie and the ever challenging quest for our origins
21 Jul 2012
Another sci-fi movie raises questions about our origins and who created us.
by Shane Cessna
Darwin is the universal acid that affects everything
20 Jul 2012
A review of The Political Gene: How Darwin’s Ideas Changed Politics by Dennis Sewell.
by Jerry Bergman