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Response to the evolution appeasers
24 Oct 2008
A once-sound New Zealand Brethren monthly, Treasury, published a pro-theistic-evolution article. Why is appeasement on this issue so wrong?
by Jonathan Sarfati
From Plato to pragmatism
23 Oct 2008
A review of Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey.
by Marc Kay
Blinkered thinkers
22 Oct 2008
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Don Batten
Spore: new game allows players to ‘evolve’ creatures; should creationists be concerned?
21 Oct 2008
The new computer game Spore purports to illustrate evolution. Yet it does nothing of the kind, although evolutionists hope that it will convince schoolkids.
by Lita Sanders
A remarkable witness to creation—Satan
23 May 2012
Could the devil be a witness to the truth of Genesis creation? Remarkably, yes.
by Russell Grigg
Steve Jones and the ‘end of human evolution’
18 Oct 2008
An evolutionist says human evolution has stopped, but a creationist argues that it hasn’t. What’s going on?
by Carl Wieland
Street preacher says creation ‘is the issue
25 Jun 2024
It’s time for the church to stop avoiding the questions people want answers to.
by Russell Wallace
More marvellous machinery: ‘DNA scrunching’
16 Oct 2008
More marvellous cellular machinery testifies to the biblical Designer.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Roger Bolton Discovers Sliced Bread
15 Oct 2008
Codex Sinaiticus: should this ancient copy of the Greek New Testament cause any doubt on the reliability of our Bibles or Christianity?
by James Patrick Holding
Darwin’s bulldog—Thomas H. Huxley
27 Jun 2012
The ‘success’ of Darwin’s theory of evolution in the 19th century was largely due to the work of this man. So who was he and what motivated him?
by Russell Grigg
Can Japan ban hara-kiri?
13 Oct 2008
What can the Japanese government do to stop its citizens killing themselves?
by David Catchpoole
Why is CMI so dogmatic on 24-hour creation days?
12 Aug 2023
Why does six-day creation matter? How can we refute old-earth compromisers?
by Jonathan Sarfati