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Did Earth’s axial tilt originate at Noah’s Flood?
28 Nov 2023
The earth’s axial tilt is a deliberate design feature, not a mere accidental happenstance.
by Joshua Howells
The original Jurassic Park
27 Nov 2023
Life-sized dinosaur models thrilled the English public in 1854—but gave a compromised message.
by Kevin Lamoure
Ice core oscillations and abrupt climate changes: part 4—abrupt changes better explained by the Ice Age
24 Nov 2023
Ice core oscillations and abrupt climate changes are better explained within the context of the biblical Ice Age framework.
by Michael J. Oard
22 Nov 2023
Simple explanation of how the Flood formed fossils. Fossils formed by the Flood makes more sense than evolution.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Who were the Philistines?
21 Nov 2023
The Bible places the Philistines in Canaan 500 years before they supposedly arrived from Crete. Yet, the truth is an amazing confirmation of Scripture.
by Robert Carter
Another one bites the dust
20 Nov 2023
A growing number of rock formations are collapsing in relatively recent times.
by Mark James
Racemization of amino acids under natural conditions: part 3—condensation to form oligopeptides
17 Nov 2023
How easily can peptides spontaneously begin to link together in conditions posited for abiogenesis?
by Royal Truman
Noah’s Ark
15 Nov 2023
Simple explanation of Noah’s Ark in Genesis. How big was it, how many animals were aboard, and how could Noah’s family take care of them—and why the Ark was very stable.
by Jonathan Sarfati
40 failed predictions of Evolution
14 Nov 2023
Scientific hypotheses that make falsified predictions should be abandoned, so why is cosmic Evolution still accepted?
by Don Batten
HLD 6—an ancient Chinese skull that’s hard to fit into current evolutionary ideas
13 Nov 2023
 Ancient Juvenile Fossil Skull Unearthed in China Rewrites Human Evolution: Mysterious 300,000-year-old HLD 6 Skull Challenges the Human Family Tree.
by Peter Line
Interface systems and continuous environmental tracking as a design model for symbiotic relationships
10 Nov 2023
How might the biblical framework explain ecological symbiosis?
by Tom Hennigan, Randy Guliuzza, and Grace Lansdell
Galápagos finches, rapid speciation, and recent creation
09 Nov 2023
Darwin’s finches have been a poster child for evolution for more than a century, but recent genetic analysis reveals God’s creative brilliance and how He created species to change over time.
by Robert Carter