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Carbon dating into the future
14 Sep 2023
Carbon ‘dating’ sometimes produces negative ages, i.e. dates in the future. How can that be?
by Andrew Lamb
The poisoning of Litvinenko’s body—and mind
21 Mar 2007
As the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko showed, polonium can be lethal to the body. And also to evolutionary ideas about millions of years.
by David Catchpoole
Creation among the coconut palms
02 Nov 2016
A missionary speaks passionately of how Genesis proves crucial in giving hope despite an alarming social decay in Fiji.
by Carl Wieland and David Catchpoole
Did Eve lie before the Fall? Americans glad that Creation magazine is still available
17 Mar 2007
Eve told the Serpent that God commanded no touching the forbidden fruit, when He had simply said don’t eat. Was humanity’s first sin Eve lying?
by Carl Wieland
The sun is not an average star
15 Mar 2007
Solar evidence is mounting that our earth occupies a special place in the universe.
by Jonathan Henry
Immense impacts or big belches?
12 Mar 2007
Long-age evolutionary interpretations of the 'fossil record' result in evolutionists having to explain various 'mass extinctions' (including the demise of the dinosaurs) in the distant past, e.g. via asteroid impacts, or explosive vulcanism. But there's a much more straightforward answer.
by Carl Wieland
Parrot prodigy
07 Mar 2007
A parrot with an amazing capacity for using spoken language astonishes scientists—and defies evolutionary expectations.
by Daniel Anderson
Dismantle the big bang
05 Mar 2007
Evolutionary views of the universe sprang, not from a biblical understanding of history, but from efforts to explain origins without God or the supernatural. Yet the big bang concept has major flaws which even some evolutionists now recognise are fatal to its validity.
by Alexander Williams and Carl Wieland
Stellar evolution and the problem of the ‘first’ stars
01 Mar 2007
Imaginary processes invoked for evolutionary origin of ‘first’ stars.
by Rod Bernitt
Once upon a time …
22 Feb 2007
Why evolutionists have taken modern dating methods too much ‘on faith’.
by Michael J. Oard
Lizard losers (and winners)
15 Dec 2021
Contrary to media hype, anole lizards on the Bahamas are not evolving
by David Catchpoole
Anti-slavery activist William Wilberforce: Christian hero
20 Feb 2007
How biblical Christians were at the forefront of the abolition of slavery 200 years ago, while pro-slavers told them to keep their religion out of politics.
by Jonathan Sarfati