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Should CMI ignore atheists?
12 Jun 2010
A correspondent says we should ignore the atheists—and also claims that we are making a fundamental error in relation to the Bible.
by Don Batten
Noah’s Ark, or … what? Important update 29 September 2010
11 Jun 2010
More hoax allegations re ‘Ark’ claim.
by Carl Wieland
Indian creation myths
10 Jun 2010
The evidence is substantial, the conclusion undeniable. Throughout the Americas various groups share similar, detailed creation accounts that mirror Genesis and mirror accounts from virtually every culture on the planet.
by Calvin Smith
Bridges and bones, girders and groans
20 Jun 2023
If your leg bones were made of metal—even the finest space-age alloys— ordinary walking would eventually cause them to fatigue and break. Why doesn’t this happen with bones?
by Carl Wieland
Embittered evolutionist becomes rejoicing ‘creation evangelist’
08 Jun 2010
The testimony of a marine biologist and top nurse who was sure that evolution was true and the Bible wrong—but her world was falling apart.
Amber needed water (and lots of it)
07 Jun 2010
New research reveals a clue as to how aquatic organisms (e.g. barnacles, clams) became entombed in amber.
by David Catchpoole
Angry at ‘tourist captains’
05 Jun 2010
How should we respond when tourist guides tell us things are millions of years old?
by Tas Walker
Miller’s meanderings: only the same bogus contentions
04 Jun 2010
A review of Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America’s Soul by Kenneth Miller.
by John Woodmorappe
It’s about time
03 Jun 2010
Secular researchers agree: creationist helps develop the most precise clocks in the universe.
by Carl Wieland
Is Jesus Christ the Creator God?
01 Nov 2023
Jesus’ miracles showed His power over creation—no need for evolution.
by Russell Grigg
Neandertal genome like ours
01 Jun 2010
Decoding of 60% of the Neandertal genome surprises evolutionists as to how similar it is to modern humans
by Rob Carter
Law and Creation
31 May 2010
It was only with the advent of Christianity that it became common for people to believe that laws should always protect basic human rights and freedoms.
by Jonathan Sarfat