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Abandoning reality
25 May 2024
Exploring the implications of a world shaped by the belief in chance and chaos, where virtual reality blurs the lines of existence. Are we ready to surrender reality to technology?
by Robert Niemand
Misrepresenting creationism
24 May 2024
Misrepresenting creationism on the Church Fathers and Genesis.
by Joel Tay
Creation for Kids: How did dinosaurs survive the Flood?
22 May 2024
Uncover the mystery of Noah's Ark and dinosaurs coexisting. The Bible's clues reveal a surprising connection between ancient creatures and the Ark's true size.
by Erin Hughes and Lita Cosner
What about dinosaurs?
21 May 2024
Was there an ‘age of dinosaurs’ long before people came on the scene? What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? What were the dragons of history? What do dinosaur fossils tell us? What happened to the dinosaurs?
by Don Batten
I’m so glad I checked
20 May 2024
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker
Ice Age megalakes did exist in the Sahara
17 May 2024
Sahara megalakes are controversial for deep time, but consistent with the Bible.
by Michael J. Oard
Human embryos before implantation
16 May 2024
Answering the question about the status of human embryos between fertilization and implantation in the womb.
by Keaton Halley
Creation for Kids: Floodwaters recede
15 May 2024
Discover the astonishing aftermath of Noah’s Flood; explore how receding waters carved landscapes. First, retreating sheets carved planation surfaces. Second, channelized flow carved enormous valleys.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Just how precious is human life?
14 May 2024
What value do we place on human life—in the womb, and later in life—and what role does our worldview play?
by Lucien Tuinstra
Exposing counterfeit science
13 May 2024
Counterfeit science is worthless information. The details do not support the conclusions being drawn from the evidence.
by CMI editors
What about ice ages?
11 May 2024
How many ice ages were there? Where does an ice age fit into the biblical account? How much of the earth was covered by ice? How long did it last? What about the frozen mammoths? How were people affected?
by multiple authors
What’s wrong with being wrong: part 4b—a more than cursory look into evolutionary ethics
10 May 2024
Do animal studies demonstrate that they have a ‘proto-morality’?
by Marc Kay