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Fast-forming ‘Fly Geyser’
29 Dec 2014
This travertine rock formation in Nevada didn’t need millions (or even thousands) of years to form
by Jonathan O’Brien
Why does CMI focus on creation?
28 Dec 2014
A reader asks: shouldn’t we be focusing on evangelism rather than the divisive view of young-earth creation? We respond.
by Lita Sanders
Unsolved mysteries
27 Dec 2014
Should creationists do more to highlight weaknesses and mysteries in our understanding?
by Keaton Halley
Settling for less
26 Dec 2014
A review of God’s Words in Human Words by Kenton L. Sparks
by J.P. Holding
The incarnate Word
24 Dec 2019
While Matthew and Luke talk about Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, John traces Jesus’ story much further back.
by Lita Sanders
O Lord our Lord, How Excellent is Thy Name
24 Dec 2014
King David wrote Psalm 8 to celebrate God’s glory as Creator.
by Rev Richard Pike
The Bible Tells Me So: a review
23 Dec 2014
Peter Enns’ latest book encourages rank unbelief in the Scriptures.
by Lita Sanders
Ancient Egypt confirms: Genesis is history
22 Dec 2014
The ancient Egyptians knew what many modern theologians deny: Genesis is reliable history
by Carl Wieland
Feedback: The Trinity vs Unitarianism, and explaining the Bible on homosexual behavior
21 Dec 2014
Does the Trinity make the Bible harder to understand? And how should Christians today interpret the Torah’s laws regarding homosexuality? We have answers!
by Lita Sanders
20 Dec 2014
A popular magazine publishes an article promoting the unscientific notion of spontaneous generation, and an even more absurd claim about microbes continually raining on the earth—but retraction appears unlikely.
by Renton Maclachlan
Why was the UK once totally under water?
19 Dec 2014
See how uniformitarian data about the geology of the United Kingdom supports the reality of the global Flood.
by John D Matthews
Are there gaps in the biblical genealogies?
14 Jul 2022
The Bible gives us many different types of genealogies. But how should we interpret them?
by Lita Sanders