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More ‘Sleeping Beauty’ bacteria
26 Sep 2007
Once again, bacteria have been revived from Antarctic ice said to be eight million years old.
by David Catchpoole
Disconnected from reality
25 Sep 2007
Why the trend to move away from the solid truth of God’s Word to subjective moods and feelings?
by Grant Zippel
Diamonds: a creationist’s best friend
24 Sep 2007
These brilliant and hard gems are almost pure carbon. Recent research shows they contain some radiocarbon. But since this should have all decayed in under a million years, how could the diamonds be billions of years old as evolutionists believe?
by Jonathan Sarfati
A Christian response to radiometric dating
21 Sep 2007
An evangelical Christian says the science of radioactive dating is reliable, and that Christians should accept that the earth is old. See why this claim is wrong.
by CMI Editors
The supposed consistency of evolution’s long ages
20 Sep 2007
Why do the different dating methods seem to agree?
by Michael J. Oard
Submarines with fish fins?
19 Sep 2007
Engineers want their underwater survey vehicles to be able to do what fish can do.
by David Catchpoole
Earth is ‘too special’?
17 Sep 2007
Evolutionists propose that Earth formed by itself from dust particles colliding together. But astronomers are realizing that this just-so story requires some incredibly unlikely ‘coincidences’.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The origin of bubonic plague
19 Feb 2016
Is there a connection between the ‘Black Death’ that devastated Europe in the 14th century and the plagues mentioned in the Bible?
by Alan Gillen and Frank Sherwin
Inaria, Kimberella and ‘primitive’ myths
08 Sep 2007
Be wary of evolutionary indoctrination arriving in your mail box—or stamp collection.
by 0
Eggceptionally different
06 Sep 2007
More cracks for dino-to-bird belief. Electron microscopy shows dinosaur eggs are unique.
by Mark H. Armitage
Wild, wild floods!
05 Sep 2007
The Brits now think they were separated from mainland Europe by a catastrophic megaflood. When did it happen and what does it mean?
by Emil Silvestru
Lunar eclipse, loony offerings
04 Sep 2007
Last week’s lunar eclipse elicited quite a response from some people
by John Hartnett, David Catchpoole, Jonathan Sarfati, Shaun Doyle