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The world’s oldest alphabet
04 Jun 2020
Evidence suggests that the first alphabet may have been developed by the Hebrews, not the Phoenicians, as commonly believed.
by James R. Hughes
Ceres surprises
03 Jun 2020
The dwarf planet Ceres is generating wonder and consternation amongst scientists
by Jonathan O’Brien
More of the moth myth!
02 Jun 2020
The peppered moth myth takes on a new dimension. But genetic evidence shows no novel information caused the change between light and dark moths.
by Matthew Cserhati
The mysterious alien tablet
01 Jun 2020
Delving into DNA’s mind-blowing, multi-layered information system
by Dom Statham
Progressive revelation?
30 May 2020
Is God’s revelation of Himself in Scripture progressive? How is this different from the evolution of religion?
by Lita Sanders
‘Oumuamua—what is it?
29 May 2020
How can we explain this likely interstellar object from a biblical perspective?
by Wayne Spencer
Poor reasons to reject Christianity
28 May 2020
How to respond to a college student’s loss of faith.
by Keaton Halley
The death of my beloved wife
26 May 2020
Death will come to all of us unless Christ returns, so how can we be comforted after the death of a loved one?
by Clarence Janzen
Tyrannosaur ‘walking with sharks’?
25 May 2020
How could T. rex be buried with sharks in the same rock formation?
by Gavin Cox
Did God make Adam ‘half-female’?
23 May 2020
Are women superior to men because they have one more X chromosome?
by Shaun Doyle
Debating origins
22 May 2020
A review of Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design
by Shaun Doyle
William Lane Craig flubs on the Flood
21 May 2020
William Lane Craig misrepresents biblical creationists about the Flood, speciation, and migration.
by Jonathan Sarfati