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Giant’s Causeway geology clarified for Earth Science Ireland
23 Nov 2014
Controversy continues over interpretation of World Heritage Site.
by Angus Kennedy
Is Genesis infallible?
22 Nov 2014
Can we trust that the creation narrative in Genesis is actual history?
by Lita Sanders
Woolly mammoths were cold adapted
21 Nov 2014
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview from the now-released December issue of Journal of Creation. Subscribers will be delighted by the powerful, stimulating content.
by Michael J Oard
Evolution: not just about biology
20 Nov 2014
Creationists are often slammed for saying that e.g. abiogenesis (chemicals to first life) is all part of ‘evolution’. But leading evolutionists affirm the creationist claim—and more.
by Keaton Halley
British Christendom
19 Nov 2014
Rather than remain true to its biblical roots, the once-thriving church in England embraced Darwin and has been dying ever since.
by Don Hardgrave, Effie Munday
Did Jesus die because of how God made us?
18 Nov 2014
The biblical account of death stands in stark contrast to the Western story of death and evolution over millions of years.
by Peter Milford
Ichthyosaurs: evidence for a recent global flood
17 Nov 2014
Fossil graveyards of ichthyosaurs point to rapid burial. Some ichthyosaurs were buried so fast that they didn’t have time to finish giving birth. Some specimens have soft tissue.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The fact of natural selection
04 Jan 2024
Refuting creationist Randy Guliuzza’s criticisms of natural selection, which is actually an important part of the creation model.
by Jonathan Sarfati
My pastor’s don’t believe in Genesis
15 Nov 2014
Should I leave my church?
by Tas Walker
The origin of Ayers Rock
14 Nov 2014
The evolutionary story of how Ayres Rock/Uluru was formed does not stand up to scrutiny.
by Andrew Snelling
The incredible human hand
13 Nov 2014
Scientists who try to make a case for the ‘evolution’ of the hand actually highlight its perfect design.
by Carlos Estrada
William Jennings Bryan
12 Nov 2014
Hollywood’s and the media’s take on the Scopes Monkey Trial unfairly turned a man who faithfully served his country and fellow man into a hated figure in history.
by Effie Munday